Jameis Winston files defamation suit against sexual assault accuser

Travis Durkee

Jameis Winston files defamation suit against sexual assault accuser image

Being the defendant has grown old for Jameis Winston, so now he’ll sit on the other side of a lawsuit.

Winston’s lawyers filed a defamation suit Friday against the woman who accused Winston of sexual assault, claiming his innocence and saying the accuser was motivated by greed.

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The suit was filed in federal court in Orlando against former Florida State student Erica Kinsman following her suit against Winston, which was filed in April.

"Mr. Winston brings this action against Ms. Kinsman out of necessity, not malice or ill will," the court filing obtained by the Tampa Bay Times said. "Nonetheless, Ms. Kinsman's false statements have irreparably harmed his professional and personal life."

Despite the pending suit against him, Winston still went No. 1 overall in the NFL Draft to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Regardless, Winston feels the harm to his reputation, that his lawyers claim forced him to miss out on endorsement deals, is enough to warrant a countersuit alleging Kinsman of “false” and “defamatory” allegations that “have maliciously and impermissibly interfered with Mr. Winston's business and personal relationships." 

The suit says Kinsman created a “media circus” around the Heisman Trophy winner as she tried to extort Winston. Winston’s lawyers said Kinsman’s counsel has approached them asking for a $7 million settlement from Winston.

"She has mounted a false and vicious media campaign to vilify Mr. Winston with the objective of getting him to pay her to go away. Ms. Kinsman is motivated by the most insidious objectives -- greed," the counterclaim said, which seeks $75,000 in actual damages and punitive damages to be determined later.

Travis Durkee