Browns legend Ernie Green, breast cancer survivor, plays for pink

Rana Cash

Browns legend Ernie Green, breast cancer survivor, plays for pink image

Men are not apathetic to breast cancer. The disease lurks too near — mothers and wives, daughters and sisters, women they cherish, all potential victims.

They are concerned, supportive and maybe even fearful. It's the agonizing truth for Panthers running back DeAngelo Williams, who lost his mother and four of her sisters to the dreadful affliction. It's in the survival of Rose Murphy, the mother of Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater.

MORE: Pats honor Devon Still's daughter fighting cancerWill Hayes sings at Kick Cancer event

The stories we know, as well as the countless we don't, inspire NFL players throughout October to don splashes of pink, the signature color of Breast Cancer Awareness, with women in mind.

Never, though, do they consider themselves.

Ernie Green wants to change that.

Honored as a Browns Legend in 2012, Green knows full well how powerful and invincible NFL athletes feel. He shared the backfield with the greatest football player of all time, Jim Brown. Green, a two-time Pro Bowler, was no sideshow, twice eclipsing 700 yards rushing.


On the 1964 NFL championship winning team, No. 48 led the Browns in touchdowns, all while blocking for Brown and Leroy Kelly. The point is, he was great. He just happened to share the ball with two Hall of Famers.  

He is also a breast cancer survivor.

Fighting the disease

The lump was discovered by accident in 2004. It didn't feel quite right, so he asked his wife, Della, to take a look. It wasn't painful. There was no discharge or nipple inversion. It was just ... there. After a few days, Green made a doctor's appointment, being more cautious than alarmed.

His primary physician saw no cause for panic, either. In 37 years of practice, he'd never once treated a man with breast cancer — reassuring for sure. A short while later, Green made his regularly scheduled visit to see his longtime personal physician in Cleveland. That doctor told him to have the lump removed as a precautionary measure.

Green had Stage 1 male breast cancer.

The disease is rare. Only about 2,000 men are diagnosed annually. While it is most commonly found in older men, it can occur at any age. That is miniscule when compared to the nearly 233,000 women estimated to be stricken with invasive breast cancer this year. However, when it is found in men, it is often after it is in advanced stages. More than 400 men in the United States are expected to die in 2014 from breast cancer.

That's largely because it's just not something men think about.

PHOTOS: NFL's breast cancer awareness 

"Ask any man, when was the last time he went to the doctor and the doctor checked his breasts," said Green, an active spokesperson and fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

The news nearly leveled him. Memories chased him like an angry linebacker, the what-ifs breathing down his neck. His mind immediately went to his two sisters.

The youngest, Rebecca Carmack, lived seven years after a double mastectomy. The older of the two, Evelyn Carmack, later succumb to the disease after the same procedure. Both women were in their 60s. He suspects that his mother may also have had breast cancer.

Green was 65 when he began treatment, including surgery to have his breast removed and chemotherapy.

"I knew my sisters were sick," Green said of their treatments. "It wasn't easy, but it would beat the alternative if all of this was going to rid my body of the cancerous stuff."



He added: "I'm a guy. All my life I've been an athlete, strong and robust, and now all of a sudden, I've got a disease that could kill me and a disease that mostly women get. I received a lot of advice and attention, and it was all helpful."

Awareness is key

Now, he's the one giving the advice and bringing necessary attention to a rare but potentially deadly facet of cancer. Family history, genetic mutation, such as BRCA2, and other factors can all put a man at risk.

When Green goes in for checkups, he's usually sitting in a room of women. Surprise is evident on everybody's face when his name is called. But he knows the importance.

"I've known a couple of men who have died from it," Green said. "They thought it was a woman's thing, were too embarrassed to be checked out, and they died."

Green, 75, is 10 years clear of the illness. He splits time between Kettering, Ohio and Florida, and owns Ernie Green Industries, a successful manufacturing company that produces automotive parts and medical devices. He has four sons to whom he's made sure their medical background is no mystery.

Green's football career ended after only seven seasons (1962-1968) because of a torn ACL. In today's game, he'd have missed maybe a year. So, he wasn't indestructible on the football field.

Breast cancer is a reminder that we're not indestructible in life, either. It can catch you be surprise, in good ways and bad. Being aware of what's out there, however, is just like planning for the next opponent.

"If it's around you," he said, "it can be you."

Rana Cash