Claiming NFL collusion against Colin Kaepernick is one thing, but proving it is another

David Steele

Claiming NFL collusion against Colin Kaepernick is one thing, but proving it is another image

The longer that NFL teams refuse to sign Colin Kaepernick — and the more that they reach for quarterbacks, like the then-retired Jay Cutler — the more it seems as if they and the league are doing something illegal.

To many, it looks like collusion. In the legal sense of the term, though, it is not. At least, not so far.

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Filing and winning a collusion claim against the NFL, says sports law expert and Sporting News contributor Cari Grieb, would be “an uphill battle … (and) the reason he faces it is that there has been no concrete evidence that collusion occurred.'

The 2011 collective bargaining agreement between the NFL and the players’ association spells it out definitively. According to Article 17, Section 5, “The complaining party shall bear the burden of demonstrating by a clear preponderance of the evidence” that teams and the league colluded in not signing him, and that doing so “caused any economic injury to such player(s)."

Any collusion claim would be filed as a grievance by the NFL Players Association on Kaepernick’s behalf, as dictated by the labor agreement.

Grieb — an adjunct professor of sports law at Chicago’s John Marshall and chair of the Chicago Bar Association Sports Law Committee — said that Kaepernick bearing the burden of evidence means he would need concrete proof that at least two teams, or the league and at least one team, made an agreement to not sign him.

“It can be expressed or implied, as the CBA says,’’ Grieb said, referring to Section 1 (a) of Article 17. It also does not have to be written down on paper, she added — referring to the collusion grievances Major League Baseball lost over their attempts to suppress salaries in the 1980s. The smoking gun turned out to be written notes taken by owners in their discussions about colluding.

“The lesson learned from that ‘80s baseball case is not to keep notes, not have a record of any kind of collusion,’’ Grieb said. However, she added, "Technology would make it easier to produce evidence,’’ pointing out video and audio recordings, emails, texts or any social media correspondences could incriminate teams or the league.

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The other two most prominent collusion claims in sports in recent years eventually failed in arbitration. The NFLPA lost its grievance against the NFL over the supposedly uncapped 2010 season, and Barry Bonds was unsuccessful in his claim against baseball after he went unsigned after the 2007 season (he offered to accept the league minimum, but never got an offer).

Complicating such a case is the fact that individual teams are making their own decisions, and that they are not legally obligated to sign only the most qualified athlete. Thus, any attempt to prove Kaepernick is quantitatively better than any number of quarterbacks already signed would be irrelevant, Grieb said.

“There has to be evidence of some sort of agreement, not statistical (evidence),’’ she said.

The notion among commentators, fans and players that Kaepernick is being openly colluded against this offseason is growing faster as the time he remains unsigned grows longer. Grieb warns those who follow that notion to keep the legal definition of the term in mind.

“Until there’s proof, or a source, or a leak, or something concrete, it doesn’t qualify as collusion,’’ she said.

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There are elements of Kaepernick's lack of attention that are tempting to use as proof, Grieb added … but they’re not. That includes unnamed league and team officials reportedly expressing fear that President Trump would tweet or otherwise comment about their team signing Kaepernick.

“The evidence would have to come from the league or the team — and not Donald Trump,’’ Grieb said, referring to remarks he made in March while in Louisville. “Even if Donald Trump’s statements made teams more apprehensive about signing Kaepernick, he is not a relevant collusion actor.

“If (Kaepernick) had evidence that Trump’s statements were discussed by teams, and through those conversations, teams used that to decide not to sign him, that could qualify as evidence.’’

The labor agreement is instructive reading for those who have understandably, but inaccurately, seen collusion in the apparent blackballing of Kaepernick.

“People throw the term around pretty loosely,’’ Grieb said. “But in reality, you have to have some sort of evidence. There doesn’t appear to be any … yet.’’

David Steele

David Steele Photo

David Steele writes about the NFL for Sporting News, which he joined in 2011 as a columnist. He has previously written for AOL FanHouse, the Baltimore Sun, San Francisco Chronicle and Newsday. He co-authored Olympic champion Tommie Smith's autobiography, Silent Gesture.