Colin Kaepernick's Election Day pass exposes once more true nature of 'plan'

Pat Imig

Colin Kaepernick's Election Day pass exposes once more true nature of 'plan' image

Colin Kaepernick, who was the golden boy in terms of NFL headlines from August through the first six weeks of the regular season, continues to kneel during the national anthem. The headlines and stories about his cause have since subsided.

That will change with stories like this one: Kaepernick refused to vote in the 2016 election.

MORE: Anthem protest around sports, in photos

In the past, Kaepernick has voiced disapproval with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Fair enough.

What about Gary Johnson? Perhaps Kap was turned off by Johnson's inability to name one single world leader or his failure to know what Aleppo was, or the fact Johnson stuck his tongue out at a female reporter on television.

What about Jill Stein? She's the true liberal who sticks to liberal ideals as liberals used to know them.

What about a write-in candidate? You could have voted for yourself, Colin.

MORE: Is Trump right about ratings and Kaepernick?

You also could have voted for the House and Senate offices on the ballot and all the judges, amendments and propositions that keep America rolling (through sludge most days, but rolling nonetheless #perspective).

Kaepernick has said his anthem protest isn't directed at the military. I take at him at his word. Whether I like it or not, freedom that has been fought for grants one the ability to express himself or herself during the national anthem.

Refusing to vote in this year's election is also Kaepernick's right, but it's a selfish, entitled move that does nothing but impugn all other NFL players.

You know what brought people on "both sides of the aisle” together on election day on social media? The “I voted” sticker. Even people who thought about defriending or unfollowing their political adversaries agreed with their friends on election day about that one thing: voting. No matter who you vote for, just vote, damn it.

MORE: Patriotism, politics and sports

Kaepernick could have abstained from the presidential race and still made an impact. He could have gone to the voting booth, showed people on social media that he refused to vote for anyone and then said, “I didn't vote for the presidential candidates because I want change for my cause. Here is my plan …”

But Kaepernick doesn't have a plan for his "cause." He has never had a plan for that. His real plan is one borne of desperation. His plan is to stay relevant.

After Kaepernick's “Welcome to the NFL” season ended in a Super Bowl trip, he showed off his abs and tattoos and became the NFL “bae” of the month. Every female football fan on the West Coast was a fan.


The Kaepernick legend is being tarnished over time. He has a great Afro, don't get me wrong, but his social message is being muted by lack of action.

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Action speak louder than words even though our current culture acts as though words carry more weight than action.

The fact Kaepernick grew up in a life of privilege — and the fact his mother disapproved of his protests from the beginning — doesn't help matters.

* * *

Odell Beckham Jr.'s moaning and whining earlier this season about how he wasn't having fun anymore fueled more anti-NFL fire.

That's because there are hard-working people and families in America who barely make ends meet. Imagine being that single mother of three who works two jobs and accepts welfare to put food on the table and has to listen to a professional athlete whine about the level of fun he's having while making $1.36 million this year.

Imagine being that single father of two who lost his wife while she was serving America in a war that seemingly has no end and no purpose. It's crazy.

To OBJ's credit, he apologized, went back to work and has since used his God-given natural abilities to make positive contributions to the GIants.

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And Kaepernick? He has successfully damaged the reputation of the NFL Players Association even though the majority of NFL players are legit, hard-working dudes who are grateful for what they have and probably value the right to vote. I hope some of them come forward if asked about it.

He also has provided more confirmation to those folks who viewed him as an entitled, self-absorbed, spoiled athlete.

The critics might also say it was his right to not vote. Again, it was. It was also his right to not offer up a concrete plan, to not have conversations with people and to not get to the root of the problem for which he publicly kneels.

* * *

The Kaepernick momentum subsided after his first start of the season, in Week 6 at Buffalo. He showed again that the league has adjusted to him. He is not a good quarterback and hasn't been for a while. He's not as quick and strong as the Kaepernick who set the NFL record for rushing yards by a quarterback in a postseason.

The other reason the Kap hype train has derailed? Again, lack of legitimacy with his cause.

All he has done so far is to bring awareness to the issue. I don't deny there have been awful incidents where blacks have been targeted by law enforcement for the color of their skin, and I'm not naive to think it still doesn't happen in rare instances. I also believe the majority of law enforcement does its job the right way.

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You have the platform, Colin. You have the resources. You have the money.

You have the power.

Craft a plan, meet with people, have the conversation and contribute to the greater good. Otherwise, your message will ring hollow.

In the meantime, keep up the voting abstinence. The voice-from-the-sideline look seems to suit you well — in American democracy and on the field.

Pat Imig is an American sports writer and marketer. He wants to see Colin Kaepernick host a municipal Chamber of Commerce meeting. Tweet him @patrickimig or email him at [email protected].

Pat Imig