Sports psychology: How Colin Kaepernick protests can impact a team and locker room

Kevin L. Burke

Sports psychology: How Colin Kaepernick protests can impact a team and locker room image

Throughout the course of history, there is no question protests have changed society. Many protests have had a significant impact on improving conditions for a variety of groups or causes.

With Colin Kaepernick and other athletes protesting oppression and racism in the United States by kneeling or sitting during the national anthem, it raises the question: How do their protests impact their teams, or themselves individually?

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Kaepernick is not the first athlete to protest the national anthem at a sporting event. In 1996, NBA star Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (formerly Chris Jackson) remained in the locker room during the national anthem, and later prayed during the anthem, while playing for the Denver Nuggets. Because of his initial protest, Abdul-Rauf was suspended by the NBA.

Kaepernick was not suspended by the NFL nor disciplined by the San Francisco 49ers . Instead, both the league and his team support his right to protest.

But what kind of impact could such protests have inside the 49ers' locker room?

The nation is clearly divided on whether or not athletes should make political statements during sporting events. But how do such protests affect an athlete and their team? And what kind of impact do they have on the message and reasons for the protests? Social scientists have studied the reasons people engage in protests for more than 30 years. According to the studies, people who feel oppressed or perceive that their group is oppressed are more likely to engage in a protest.

Kaepernick believes African-Americans are facing racial oppression and, most likely, since he is a member of the group he is protesting for, has experienced personal oppression himself. Social psychologists suggests that those who speak out or demonstrate personally benefit from the protests by strengthening how they feel about themselves and the unity they feel from their peers or group. Usually individuals feel supported in their endeavors when they belong to a group with a common cause. Certainly, athletes like Muhammad Ali, Kaepernick, Abdul-Raul, Tommie Smith and John Carlos  and others felt that way, though they may have had various reasons for engaging in protests during a sporting event.

An interesting aspect of such protests is how it may affect the dynamics of the team. Will athletes protesting the national anthem cause dissension, unity, or both on their team? Since relationships vary from team to team, predicting the ramifications of engaging in protests is nearly impossible. However, to understand how this can affect the team, we may consider other issues on which athletes on the same team may disagree.

MORE: National anthem protests around sports

Certainly all sports teams are made up of Republicans, Democrats, Independents or other political parties. Also, each team is made up of players from various religions, as well as those who do not affiliate with any religion. In other words, there are other very important personal issues on which athletes differ with their teammates. While some sports are more racially diverse than others, just because a group lacks racial diversity does not preclude them from having a variety of different, and possibly opposing, ideas and values. While these differing opinions may not have garnered as much media attention, they can be just as disruptive, or unifying, on a team.

One aspect that plays a role in team sports is the size and make-up of the team. If a few individuals on an NFL team have a different opinion than the majority of the team, it may have little impact. But if those individuals are seen as important to the team, or are perceived by teammates as hurting the image of the team, those few individuals may be disruptive for the entire team. In that same instance, if the majority of the team is opposed to the few who have a different opinion, this may also serve as a unifying focus for these teammates.

On large teams, a diversity of opinions can be both good and bad for a team. Potentially, the few with the dissenting opinions may feel isolated from their teammates and suffer from feeling opposed or at odds with their teammates. However, in a sport like football, where teammates are separated by offense, defense and special teams, differences of opinion may not be as disruptive.

We are more likely to see disruptive circumstances on smaller teams such as soccer, basketball, softball, and baseball. However, there is no guarantee the bullpen pitcher who supports abortion will have a discussion on the issue with the utility infielder who is against abortion. In many cases, on large and small teams alike, these issues are simply not discussed. In other words, to avoid conflicts between teammates, many athletes may choose to avoid these discussions altogether — the same as we may avoid such debates at our workplace. Or in some cases, we only discuss these “hot topic” issues with a close circle of friends — whether or not they have similar views. While the size of the team may serve as a factor, more important is the trust and respect teammates have for each other.

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While teammates will always have a variety of opinions, coaches and athletes usually agree their main goal is to not let those differences affect the team's performances. Just as there are teammates and other athletes who support Kaepernick's protests, there are athletes who do not support his cause, or his manner of protest. Yet most groups may choose not to go public with their stance — and have the right to do so — for fear of disrupting the team or causing dissension. Considering the numerous values and causes on which athletes may disagree, and that could lead to team bickering, team unity and performance are rarely affected. Of course, unless you're in the locker room, it is difficult to know exactly the inner dynamics of any team and specific occurrences where political or other causes divide teammates.

Overall, are these types of political protests good for sports? Sports and politics have a long history together (see U.S. Olympics history). While many spectators would like to avoid seeing sports and politics tangled together, it is likely they will become more intertwined in the future. I would love to know what Jackie Robinson's take on this issue would have been.

Kevin L. Burke is a sport psychology professor and consultant at Queens University in Charlotte, N.C. Follow him on Twitter @sportpsyching.

Kevin L. Burke