Colin Kaepernick isn't protesting the military; he's fighting injustice

Rana L. Cash

Colin Kaepernick isn't protesting the military; he's fighting injustice image

Before the 49ers and Chargers kick off their NFL preseason finale in San Diego, U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Steven Powell will belt out a moving rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner."

On this Salute to Military night, an annual tradition in a city that boasts the striking presence of the USS Midway, the American flag will wave under a majestic blue sky. Players will stand with hand over heart in honor of this great nation, those who courageously serve to defend it against enemies foreign and domestic, and to ensure our constitutionally protected freedoms are never compromised.

Freedoms such as Colin Kaepernick's right to peacefully protest indisputable racial injustices tearing daily at the very fabric of our country — the metaphorical fabric of a nation united by those same stars and stripes stitched in red, white and blue.

Kaepernick has vowed to sit during the national anthem, not in objection to men and women in the military, but in silent objection to the shooting and killing of unarmed black men at the hands of police.

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"People are being given paid leave for killing people,” Kaepernick said in explaining his position. "That’s not right. That’s not right by anyone’s standards."

So he sits. In anger. And in hope of the flag's promise.

It's easier to unite around a patriotic symbol, even in sports, than it is to attack the issues Kaepernick wants addressed; issues that have plagued this country since its inception. The symbol, high on flag poles from the mountains to the prairies, cannot rise above the message of justice and equality burning with such urgency and fervor.

And for this, Kaepernick has been equated by one NFL executive to convicted murder conspirator Rae Carruth. He has been told to leave the country and to take his diminishing ability to lead a team with him. He is holding on by a thread to his job in San Francisco — and his career overall — as he reportedly is being blackballed by teams. He has been the target of some of the vilest public racism faced by any athlete today. The common claim by those most deeply offended is that his decision to disregard the national anthem is "disrespectful" at best, and that justified sentiment cannot be dismissed.

Neither can this: As of July, at least 136 African-Americans had been killed by police this year, according to the British newspaper The Guardian, which tracks police killings in America.

Respect? Here's what it means to Kaepernick: A mother not having to bury her 12-year-old son killed by police in Cleveland after he was deemed a threat while playing with a toy gun in a park. A distraught 15-year-old son not crying out “Daddy!” after losing his father at the hands of police in Baton Rouge, La.

The incidents and names — the bloodshed, caskets, court cases and dismissals — are far too many to list; far too many for Kaepernick to ignore any longer. Far too many for America to ignore.

MORE: Kaepernick answers anthem questions in detail

The outcry has escalated beyond the commonplace and comfortable. It has become too easy to gloss over hashtags. Twitter messages are embedded in quick-turn articles that are published, and then it’s on to the next story. T-shirts worn by players are admirable attempts, but they are a mere frustration for fans who would rather see warmup jerseys.

None of these actions have captured our undivided attention. But Kaepernick remaining on that bench prompted heated debate, furor and questions, which he answered.

"If we have these real conversations that are uncomfortable for a lot of people; if we have these conversations, there's a better understanding of where both sides are coming from," he said. "And if we reach common ground, and can understand what everybody's going through, we can really affect change, and make sure that everyone is treated equally and has the same freedom."

It's certainly too daunting for Kaepernick to do on his own. So he called upon the collective heart of a nation — all races, all creeds, all who long for a flag that represents the best of who and what we can ultimately become. A nation dedicated to the proposition that not only are all men created equal, but are treated as equals, as well.

Colin Kaepernick is in no way uniquely qualified to uphold this banner. His choice to wear a T-shirt depicting a 1960 meeting between Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and late civil rights activist Malcolm X will not add momentum to his cause. He was once fined $10,000 for using the N-word on the football field, further eroding his reputation. Now he’s wearing socks depicting police as pigs, which does absolutely nothing to elicit a more compassionate approach from law enforcement and puts him and his mission at odds against those outstanding officers who every day risk their lives — in Baton Rouge and Dallas, lose their lives — to keep us safe.

This summer, Kaepernick begged to get out of San Francisco. There were no takers then for the former starter and Super Bowl quarterback, and there would likely be none at all now if he were to be cut — either under the auspices of a football move or one prompted by the public relations nightmare he has become.

That would change his platform — it should not change the message.

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Spearheading lasting change does not require a perfect man. In and out of sports, the most notable agitators were often flawed men. Jim Brown’s notorious domestic abuse and the late Muhammad Ali's brashness — not to mention his dalliances — would have, by today’s standards, made them ill-suited to lead a revolution of justice.

And they never had to face the ludicrous question of their blackness. Rodney Harrison, in one of the most inexplicable slights against Kaepernick, called into question his right to promote this movement because the biracial quarterback was adopted and raised by white parents in Milwaukee.

As asinine as Harrison’s unprovoked affront was, it helps to point the conversation back to that flag and to those lyrics penned by Francis Scott Key in 1814 and adopted as our national hymn in 1931.

"O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ...

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

This land, while free from slavery, enforced the unrelenting hand of segregation long after that date. The Voting Rights Act was passed only 51 years ago, just 23 years before Kaepernick was born. The Civil Rights Act wasn't passed until 1964.

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The road from the anthem's birth until now has been treacherous, but also marked by tremendous strides toward a more just nation. Still, we haven’t arrived.

We remain hopeful. We remain vigilant. Some are willing to fight for it and force the issue in a way that demands a response.

For Kaepernick, that means exercising his constitutional right to dissent. A right he has because he is an American.

Rana L. Cash