Open letter to the Carolina Panthers: Your home city really could use you now

Rana L. Cash

Open letter to the Carolina Panthers: Your home city really could use you now image

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Dear Carolina Panthers, 

Congratulations are in order. 

We knew you had it in you. We saw it last season as the team won, week after week after week, en route to Super Bowl 50. The pressure mounted and expectations soared, but you kept level heads and a singular focus. The ability to forge a united front throughout the intense regular season and into the playoffs drew the attention of everyone around the NFL.

And now, with all eyes on you, you've done it again.

Putting on that face the way you did on Wednesday in the hours after an officer-involved shooting Tuesday afternoon in your Charlotte backyard set off hours of heated protests, was indeed astonishing. From locker to locker, player to player, you held true to a singular message of insouciance. It was remarkable.

MORE: Amid uproar, Panthers happy to stay in their quiet bubble

Not one player dared to break rank and show concern where their teammates did not. Your quarterback, Cam Newton, is an outlier in every way. He's the reigning MVP, the one with all of the endorsements and fame; the one whose every word is parsed and carved up. He had no choice, really, but to share his opinions on police brutality and violence, and did so by stressing the importance of accountabiilty.

But not the rest of you. Nope. Not your coach, either.

You could have called for peace in the streets of Charlotte after the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott sparked riots the night that he was killed by officer Brentley Vinson, a former college football player himself. You could have pleaded for protesters to remain calm. You could have acknowledged the pain of a city, a nation even, rocked by accounts of unarmed black men killed by police.

Instead, you showed a consolidated demonstration of apathy.

"Actually, to be all the way real, I don't think one person in here came in and had an opinion on that situation," wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. said Wednesday.

"We try not to get into it because we try to stay focused on football," said cornerback Bene Benwikere

We hear you. Team first. Football forever. Ball is life.

The city of Charlotte isn't hanging on your every word, of course. You can't stop anger from boiling over. If someone is going to ransack the Charlotte Hornets team store, vandalize the NASCAR Hall of Fame and damage property throughout uptown, that's out of your control entirely.

You have a platform from which to speak healing and patience; to help quell frayed emotions. People would listen. You're the biggest show in town. This is your town. But it's not your business — so says your coach, Ron Rivera.  

Any team worth its salt holds its coach's words in the highest regard. You hang on those words. That's what winning franchises do. So when Rivera says this frustration and violence and uncertainty is best left up to elected officials to grapple with, you have to follow suit.

MORE: Before ripping Rivera, consider his football-first position  

He can't solve these issues. Neither can you. No one expects football players, no matter how bright and articulate, to have all or even any answers.

You could talk about it, share your heart, express your thoughts. It might help a city, but it won't help the team win. We get it. Charlotte is in a state of emergency, but at Bank of America Stadium it is business as usual. That's quite a feat.

Being on one accord, turning a blind eye to the chaos surrounding you, is a cornerstone of success. And that's what you care about more than anything else. 

It got you to the Super Bowl last season. So, stick to what you know.

Best of luck in 2016.

P.S. Thank you, Thomas Davis, Greg Olsen and Tre Boston for answering the call. You spoke after unrest climaxed, but better late than never. 

Rana L. Cash