Breaking down Le’Veon Bell’s new Jets contract: Was the holdout worth it?

Jason Fitzgerald

Breaking down Le’Veon Bell’s new Jets contract: Was the holdout worth it? image

After a year of speculating about what Le’Veon Bell would receive as a free agent, and whether that contract would justify his decision to skip last year’s season, we have an answer.

Bell signed a four-year, $52.5 million contract with the Jets that not only failed to make him the NFL’s highest-paid running back, but it also did not justify his bypassing the $14.544 million franchise tag, let alone the contract offer the Steelers reportedly made Bell that would have netted him in the ballpark of $45 million over three seasons.

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Bell’s contract with the Jets comes with $25 million guaranteed at signing but just an $8 million signing bonus and $14.5 million salary in the first year. Of that $14.5 million, $500,000 is tied to being active on the roster.

These numbers are important when evaluating the contract because Bell is essentially agreeing to play this year on the same (if not slightly lesser) salary than the franchise tag would have provided him last season. The Jets, meanwhile, essentially get him to play in 2019 at the same number he just turned down.

The crux of Bell’s argument against the Steelers’ offer was the lack of guaranteed money. The Jets certainly packed some guarantees in this deal, but they don’t come without risk. In typical NFL contracts, all future salary guarantees void when and if players are suspended; it is a common clause. Bell has been suspended twice in his career.

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Players usually avoid some of that risk by netting large amounts of cash in the first year of a contract. In a deal like Bell’s, one would expect the first-year cash to be in the ballpark of $20 million, but Bell will earn only $14.5 million, putting all the future guarantees at risk.

If Bell were to be suspended, his contract situation would then be no different than what it would have been had he played under the tag. And with just an $8 million signing bonus, there is limited dead money in the contract to cloud the Jets’ decision-making if those guarantees do indeed void.

Over the next two years, Bell will earn $26 million, which is just $11.456 million more than what he would have received on the franchise tag in 2018 alone. The break-even point for him was a contract that maxed out at $11.456 million in full guarantees, which several veteran backs — Todd Gurley, David Johnson, Devonta Freeman, LeSean McCoy, Jerick McKinnon, Lamar Miller — were already earning.

While we can’t discount the risk of injury, it is worth nothing that Johnson missed almost the entire season before signing his contract, and the NFL is filled with players coming off injury scoring big deals. So it is reasonable to believe Bell would have gotten the same offer from the Jets regardless of how 2018 played out.

That means he is out at least $14.544 million no matter how you slice it.

The numbers look even worse when comparing Bell’s Jets contract to the Steelers’ “non-guaranteed” offer. Here is the three-year earnings breakdown for Bell under the three most-likely scenarios: the Steelers’ offer, the franchise tag (plus his new contract) and his new contract.

Year Steelers' offer Franchise tag Current deal
2018 $19.5 million $14.544 million $0
2019 $13.5 million $14.5 million $14.5 million
2020 $12 million $11.5 million $11.5 million
Total $45 million $40.544 million $26 million

As a practical matter, the Steelers’ offer would have paid him $33 million; the odds of a team releasing a player after one season are low, especially given the disparity in Year 1 salary and Year 2 salary.

Though it did not have the highest upside, the safest route of the three would have been Bell playing under the franchise tag and then signing a contract with two guaranteed years — if the guarantee was the main concern. The worst of the three routes is the one Bell took. The only scenario in which that would change would be his suffering a career-ending injury while playing under the tag.

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The Jets deal — with its low up-front cash flows, $2 million in per-game roster bonuses, plus holdout protection in the form of reporting bonuses in the final two years of the contract — indicates how limited of a market there was for Bell in 2019. High-demand players generally do not get forced into all three of those categories.

This is something Bell and his agent should have seen coming, and they should have appropriately planned for it. They could have done so by taking one of those other two options.

Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald is an NFL salary expert and contributor for Sporting News. Read more of his writing at and follow him on Twitter: @Jason_OTC.