Study shows ex-NFL players negatively affected by youth football

Travis Durkee

Study shows ex-NFL players negatively affected by youth football image

This isn’t exactly breaking news, but taking repeated blows to the head as a 10-year-old doesn’t bode well for the future of one’s brain.

A study by Boston University, published Wednesday in Neurology, tested 42 retired NFL players between the ages of 40 and 69 and discovered those who played football before the age of 12 scored significantly worse in estimated verbal IQ, executive function (reasoning and planning) and memory impairment. 

With those results in mind, the authors of the study ruled that head impacts between the age of 10 and 12 may increase the the risk of cognitive impairment later in life. 

"We have findings from former NFL players, so it can't be generalizable to the rest of the football-playing public," Dr. Robert Stern, lead author and a professor of neurology and neurosurgery, said via ESPN. "But it does suggest something that I think makes logical sense. The logic is you shouldn't hurt your brain over and over and over again as a child."

Dr. Robert Cantu, a neurosurgeon at Boston University who did not work on the study, says that window between 10 and 12 is a time when brains are more vulnerable to impacts because of the brains lacking of nerve fibers that provide strength and transmits information.

"Youngsters, especially between the ages of 10 and 12, are developing connectivity networks, especially between the temporal lobe where we house our memory and emotions, and the frontal lobes where our executive functions are, our insider judgment," he said. "If there is an injury, these pathways are going to be altered, and it can have a significant effect on what the personality of the individual is going to be. He may not have been programmed genetically to wind up with problems with depression or cognitive issues, but that can be the net result."

According to ESPN, Cantu, also a senior medical advisor to the NFL, advises families not to let their children play tackle football before age 14.

"To allow your child to be subjecting themselves to repetitive head injury at a very early age when they could be doing the sport a different way and minimizing their chances [of brain injury], to me, is just insane," he said. "It's wrong. We should not be allowing this to happen.

"Tom Brady didn't play football until high school. He picked up the game pretty quickly."

Travis Durkee