Antonio Brown deletes tweet saying furniture-throwing incident settled

Kirstie Chiappelli

Antonio Brown deletes tweet saying furniture-throwing incident settled image

Not so fast, Antonio Brown.

The Raiders wide receiver confirmed Monday on Twitter that he reached a settlement stemming from an incident in April 2018 in which he threw items, including 3-foot vases and furniture, off the balcony of his South Florida apartment.

Some of those items landed close to a 22-month-old boy and his grandfather, so the baby's father took action. Ophir Sternberg later named Brown in a lawsuit seeking $15,000 in damages for "intentional infliction of emotional distress and assault" that resulted in his son's excessive crying, loss of sleep and anxiety, according to Miami-Dade County court filings.

"The legal dispute between Ophir Sternberg and me has been resolved, with a confidential sum of funds being donated to charity," Brown wrote. "I am sorry that an incident occurred. I apologize for any statements we made in court filings or otherwise to Mr. Sternberg and family. I wish Mr. Sternberg my best with regard to future endeavors and through this settlement, seek to make amends with Mr. Sternberg and family."

However, Brown quickly backtracked and deleted the tweet, but not before it was captured by screenshots.

Brown, who was with the Steelers at the time of the outburst, also faced a suit filed by the owner of the condo the All-Pro leased. The suit cited damages and a breach of agreement.

The NFL had previously stated it was aware of the civil suits and will continue to closely monitor the situation.

Following his trade to Oakland, Brown returned to Pittsburgh in May to resolve his speeding case stemming from a November citation for driving more than 100 mph.

Expect the drama to continue when Brown and the Raiders make their debut on HBO's "Hard Knocks."

Kirstie Chiappelli