Penn State had a choice — and it picked Joe Paterno

Sean Gentille

Penn State had a choice — and it picked Joe Paterno image

If there were a way to track the reactions to the Joe Paterno Bonanza awaiting us on Saturday in State College — if it were possible to do it scientifically — "Why?" would lead the way.

"Why is Penn State commemorating Paterno's first game (and victory) at the school?" actually has a simple answer; the still-mounting pile of evidence that paints Paterno, in a literal sense, as an enabler of child rape isn't enough to outweigh out an accrued half-century of hero worship. It's not enough to reverse-engineer Paterno, as avatar for the self-image of a university, into something more in line with reality.

Maybe most relevantly, it's not enough to counterbalance the heft exerted by Paterno-sympathetic donors, power brokers and fomer players. If they, and their wallets, think Paterno should be honored, Paterno is going to be honored. The math is easy enough. That group might not be the majority, but its opinion matters the most.

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That's why on Saturday against Temple, there's going to be a ceremony honoring Paterno. He was forced out in 2011 when the Jerry Sandusky scandal blew up, and he died shortly thereafter. In the years since, the university has avoided linking him to the program much at all. The statue came down, there has been no real PSU-sanctioned Paterno party and the school has managed to decently navigate a situation that's more complicated than many are willing to admit.

The day of reckoning was always going to come, though, and now it's here.

At first, this weekend's gathering of more than 500 lettermen seemed superficially gross, but short of a public reclamation; those guys will have dinner on Friday in Paterno's honor, then gather at Beaver Stadium on Saturday. Penn State, in an official sense, wasn't sanctioning the event.

MORE: Joe Paterno should remain in Penn State's distant history  

That made it a little more understandable; a group of ex-players hanging out, waxing about the glory days and ignoring the behind-the-scenes nightmare that existed in parallel ... you'll have that. Paterno coached a lot of guys, and did a lot of good for them. Ex-players are the last demographic that you'd expect to disown him, and the first you'd expect to find a reason to celebrate him.

But now, in a move that's as weird and gross as it may have been inevitable, the institution is joining in. Members of the first-victory team will be on field for the coin flip. There will be video presentations and in-game introductions. This isn't being framed as a celebration of the team; it's a celebration of the fact that they played for Paterno.

MORE: The life and times of Joe Paterno 

"Coach Paterno wanted academic success not only for his players but also for every student who came through Penn State," athletic director Sandy Barbour said in a released statement. "Our plans are consistent with the wishes of the Paterno family as well, with a focus on the players and their accomplishments at Penn State and beyond."

There wasn't going to be a more tactful way to do it — but taking the least publicly insane course of action doesn't matter much. This is Penn State, playing the hits, looking inward and tossing red meat to its base. This is a Donald Trump stump speech. This is sad.

It also goes against the wishes of a relevant portion of the Penn State family; the Daily Collegian outlined that rationale in an effective, gutsy editorial that ran earlier this month.

And maybe most of all, it morphs the immediate question from "Why?" — because, again, we know the answer — into "Do they care?"

Do they care how it looks? Do they care what it means? Do they care that, for every Lions booster there are more, by an order of magnitude, that are either baffled or disgusted by it? Does it matter that, six years after the flood, they're making Paterno the public face of the school all over again?

Does any of it matter? Doesn't seem like it.

Sean Gentille