NCAA's response to sexual assault controversies hasn't been strong enough

Cari Grieb

NCAA's response to sexual assault controversies hasn't been strong enough image

In the post-Ray Rice era — an era in which society is especially conscious of allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault involving professional athletes — the growing number of college football programs plagued by athletic departments that exhibit an inadequate approach to rape accusations is especially troubling.

Baylor University. The University of Tennessee. The University of Missouri. The list goes on.

MORE: As a college student, I live in fear of sexual assault

And as the number of NCAA football players who are accused of sexual assault continues to grow at a seemingly exponential pace, it raises the question of why the NCAA is not better monitoring football programs and athletic departments, especially considering implicated NCAA football players are only one step removed from a professional league already marred by controversy.

Yet, as the media continues to dwell on both Baylor’s student-athletes charged with sexual assault and the school’s insufficient response to such allegations, there is a recent dearth of coverage on the NCAA’s shortcomings.

But make no mistake: The NCAA is not a harmless bystander.

NCAA’s Title IX deficiencies

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, known as “Title IX," prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any program or activity that receives federal financial aid. The scope of sexual violence prohibited by Title IX includes a range of offenses, including but not limited to rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. Any university that receives federal funds is required to act promptly in response to a report of sexual violence; covered schools are required to adopt and publicize policies as well as investigate any acts of sexual violence, once a responsible university employee knew or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known about an alleged rape, sexual assault or sexual battery.

Amid a growing number of sexual assault allegations facing NCAA football players, as well as allegations of cover-ups and/or inadequate investigations by universities, the NCAA Executive Committee — composed of 20 university presidents and chancellors — passed a resolution in August 2014 that unambiguously defines what role athletic departments should have in sexual assault cases. The resolution also directs colleges and their athletic departments to comply with campus authorities; to educate all college athletes, coaches and staff about sexual violence prevention and response; and to assure compliance with all federal and applicable state regulations related to sexual violence.

A survey conducted in September 2014 by the office of U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, found that 22 percent of a national sample of colleges reported that they had a policy or procedure that gives the athletics department oversight over sexual assault allegations made against athletes. The survey results led certain members of Congress to put pressure on the NCAA to prevent its member institutions’ athletic departments from interfering with sexual violence investigations.

But in the years since the resolution’s passage, there hasn’t been much change to show for it.

At least not at Baylor or UT. Allegedly.

MORE: Why I chose Baylor despite the 'Baylor scandal'

The resolution is a minor step in the right direction, but it isn’t enough. Even the NFL has a domestic violence and sexual assault discipline policy. The NCAA still does not.

The NCAA’s approach to sexual violence lacks any meaningful, systemic oversight in how coaches and universities should handle sexual assault allegations, and even convictions.  Without any uniform standards, it leaves too much subjectivity among the universities for how they handle accusations and investigations. The NCAA and president Mark Emmert have failed to seize control of a troubled system failing young women.

In its moral crusade to preserve so-called “student-athlete” amateurism, the NCAA will punish a coach for feigning ignorance over 28 of his players trading autographs, jerseys and other team memorabilia in exchange for tattoos or cash. But the NCAA has yet to discipline any coach for failing to monitor a football player accused of rape. 

The NCAA has also yet to punish any school for failing to investigate or discipline a football player who was later convicted of rape. 

Another weakness with the NCAA’s position towards sexual violence is the association’s flawed transfer restrictions. Current transfer rules do not prohibit a school from accepting a student-athlete who was previously accused or convicted of a violent crime against women. Antitrust law is the roadblock preventing the NCAA from ever being able to implement such a rule.

"Absent a collective bargaining relationship, the NCAA really does not have the power to ban athletes for non-educational, off-field misconduct because doing so would represent a group boycott — a form of illegal restraint of trade under federal antitrust laws," said Marc Edelman, a law professor at Baruch College, who specializes in sports law and antitrust. "The punishment, if any, for non-educational, off-field misconduct should come from legal authorities or from the individual member schools.”

As a result of the antitrust barrier to change at the NCAA executive level, all 1,281 institutions need to each take their own initiative to implement more thorough sexual assault policies and procedures with respect to athlete transfers. Athletic departments should work with their university’s president and Title IX coordinator to ensure the correct protocols are in place.

Another weakness with the NCAA’s approach to sexual violence is that there is a lack of institutional discipline for schools that lack Title IX coordinators and training. Each NCAA institution needs a Title IX coordinator, something Baylor didn’t have until November 2014 — months after its star transfer player, Sam Ukwuachu, was convicted of two counts of felony sexual assault.

Title IX coordinators should be the main people overseeing investigations and resolutions of all sex discrimination matters involving sexual violence, sexual harassment and domestic violence — not athletic departments. These individuals should also be responsible for implementing the university’s Title IX training and outreach programs.

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In addition, consistent with the guidance set forth in the Office of Civil Rights’ 2011 Dear Colleague Letter, schools need to ensure that employees and especially coaches are adequately trained to report sexual violence to appropriate school officials, so that employees with the authority to address violence are aware of how to properly respond. Training should include practical information about how to identify and report sexual violence. A school should not wait to take steps to protect its students until students have already been deprived of educational opportunities.

Finally, a major weakness with the NCAA’s approach to sexual violence is a lack of a year-long commitment to sexual assault education, awareness and prevention at member institutions. Non-profit organizations committed to ending domestic violence and sexual assault, such as Futures without Violence, have partnered with MLB teams to help educate players throughout the baseball season. The NCAA should encourage its universities to adopt similar partnerships that would provide schools with trained specialists and needed resources to tailor curriculum toward college athletes. 

One of Futures without Violence’s training programs, “Coaching Boys into Men,” is a 12-week program that has been shown to reduce dating violence and sexual assault for high school athletes. In fact, a 2011 UC Davis-led study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that CBIM participants were more likely to exhibit positive bystander behavior towards dating violence when compared to male adolescents that did not participate in the school-athletics based prevention program. 

A program like CBIM would be a tremendous start for a troubled program like Baylor.  

Future Title IX non-compliance

The Office of Civil Rights is investigating more than 100 colleges accused of mishandling sexual assault claims under Title IX. Some of these investigations concern football schools with allegations against their money-making football players.

The risk of losing federal funding for Title IX non-compliance has proven insufficient to too many schools. The NCAA’s lack of oversight has provided minimal, if any, help in curbing what already is a widespread problem in many elite football programs. Athletic departments need to be completely uninvolved from the school investigation process. And every NCAA school needs a Title IX coordinator. There’s simply no explanation for not having one.

Too many schools have intentionally ignored the well-being of their female student bodies for the greater good of football. But big business is not a legal justification for sexual assault — or for failing to comply with federal obligations.

Cari Grieb