Clemson's Dabo Swinney faces pressure from students, LGBT groups over fundraiser

Allie Davison

Clemson's Dabo Swinney faces pressure from students, LGBT groups over fundraiser image

College coaches often make appearances at fundraisers and events throughout the offseason. 

Clemson's Dabo Swinney is no different.

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However, the LGBT community and allied Clemson students are encouraging the head football coach to cancel his June 2 appearance at an event for the Palmetto Family Council., an LGBT-supported media monitoring website, says the Palmetto Family Council is an "anti-LGBT" organization.

LGBT supporters have organized a petition comdemning the PFC and calling for Swinney to cancel his appearance. According to the PFC website, the organization's vision is "to transform the culture in South Carolina by promoting the values and virtues of marriage, the traditional family model, and sexual purity."

The June 2 event is being billed as "Celebrating Family 2015, Honoring Dabo Swinney and South Carolina Defenders of Religious Liberty."

GLADD Vice President of Programs Zeke Stokes has joined forces with students in hopes that Swinney will decide not to attend the event.

"Coach Swinney has an obligation to the players he leads and all students that attend Clemson to use his considerable profile to promote causes that bring us together, not tear us apart," Stokes said. "The Palmetto Family Council's values are out of line with the values of love and acceptance for all people, and I hope the Coach will reconsider the message that his aligment with them sends."

House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford, D-Richmond, made a statement describing his disappointment if Swinney ultimately chooses to go forward with the appearance. 

"I find it highly inappropriate that Coach Swinney would appear at a fundraiser for an organization that is so openly discriminatory and politically motivated," Rutherford said in a statement. "I cannot fathom why Coach Swinney or anyone else would knowingly assist a group whose mission is to fight against equal rights and equal treatment of others."

Sporting News attempted to contact Clemson's athletic department for comment, but a call has not been returned.

Allie Davison