Louisville’s response to Rick Pitino’s sex-related controversies warned of troubled moral system

Cari Grieb

Louisville’s response to Rick Pitino’s sex-related controversies warned of troubled moral system image

As NCAA Division I men’s college basketball embarks on a new multi-billion dollar season this weekend, the University of Louisville finds itself embroiled with a serious FBI probe, which has cast a dark shadow on the elite basketball program. At the center of the school’s controversy is none other than degraded former basketball coach Rick Pitino.

But Louisville’s upcoming legal battle with Pitino isn't the university’s most dire impediment — though it may prove costly, especially if the former Cardinals coach is successful in arguing he's owed $44 million under his terminated contract.

MORE: Pitino would be easier to believe if he were more believable

No, Louisville’s most compelling obstacle is fixing a broken system: a system lacking a cognizant moral compass that places winning and school revenue ahead of its female student body. A system that demeans women by using booze and escorts to entice young recruits to sign with the basketball powerhouse. A system that stands for the principle that a man paying off his partner in a one-night stand is OK, as long as he apologizes.

None of us should be surprised Louisville is at the center of an ongoing FBI investigation. The warning signs have always been there, especially if one were to consider the school’s mishandling of two sexually-related Pitino controversies. Twice — once in 2009 and once in 2015 — Louisville could have potentially invoked one of two morals clauses in Pitino’s employment contract based on his egregious behavior, which reflected a lack of respect and decency toward women.

And by invoking these clauses and suspending or firing Pitino, Louisville could have placed its moral integrity ahead of the advancement of winning and money. It would have deterred Pitino and his colleagues from engaging in comparable, reprehensible behavior that violated the norms of professional decency, in addition to NCAA rules.

But it didn’t.

Louisville's first inaction

In 2003, while out celebrating Louisville’s hiring of Reggie Theus as an assistant coach, Pitino had sex with former model Karen Cunagin Sypher in a back room of a local restaurant. A few weeks later, Sypher contacted Pitino — a married father of five children — informing him she was pregnant with his child. Upon learning the news, Pitino gave Sypher $3,000. Sypher used the money for an abortion, although Pitino later claimed he gave it to her as health insurance.

In 2009, Sypher was subsequently charged with six counts of criminal conduct arising from extortion efforts against Pitino. Sypher also accused Pitino of rape, though he was neither indicted nor charged. After a nine-day trial, Sypher was convicted of trying to extort $10 million from Pitino and sentenced to seven years in federal prison.

When Pitino’s extramarital affair and alleged abortion hush money originally came to light, speculation ran rampant that Louisville would part ways with the coaching legend by invoking one, if not both, of the morals clauses in his employment contract. But Pitino’s job at Louisville remained intact. In his reasoning why Louisville would not rid itself of Pitino following the extortion sex scandal, Louisville president James Ramsey said, “(a)s we try to teach our students, when you make a mistake you admit it and right it as best you can. Coach has done that today.”

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According to a September 2017 report from  Business Insider , Louisville men’s basketball made roughly $25 million in revenue that year.

And the 2009 revenue wasn’t an anomaly. The Business Insider report claims that over the last 10 reporting years, Louisville men's basketball took in $356 million, $116 million more than any other team.

In other words, being one of the top money-making machines in college hoops meant more to Louisville’s most senior academic official than a fleeting moral transgression with demeaning sexist undertones. Abortion hush money? Sex in the back room of a public restaurant after a team dinner? Rape accusations? Apparently not an issue for Louisville’s reputation or business considerations.

Yes, Louisville — the same school that went on to sign Bobby Petrino as its football coach in 2014 after his own nefarious sex scandal with a student-athlete development coordinator while at Arkansas.

That Louisville.

Strike two against Louisville

Any hope Louisville had that Pitino’s 2009 sexual controversy was an isolated incident was squashed in 2015. In October of that year, Pitino’s program became entangled in a sex scandal circus when Katina Powell, a self-proclaimed madame, published a book claiming she and other escorts were paid to have sex with Louisville basketball players and recruits from 2010-2014. Even more shocking, Powell claimed Pitino knew everything regarding the prostitution visits, though he claimed he was in the dark.

Once again, Louisville could have potentially invoked either of Pitino's morals clauses and terminated his contract. To the extent Louisville had evidence Pitino knew about the misconduct despite his claims of ignorance, Louisville could have argued that knowingly permitting the basketball program to use prostitutes and strippers to land recruits was tantamount to “willful misconduct that could objectively be anticipated to bring him into public disrepute or scandal.” To the extent Pitino knew about the misconduct and lied about such knowledge during media interviews, Louisville could have raised the plausible argument that such acts were of “moral depravity.”

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The fear of sex-related controversies involving student-athletes is an ongoing issue at NCAA institutions, but schools downplay the risks and significance inherent in such controversies by providing free passes to the hand that feeds them. Even in the aftermath of the escort scandal, when the NCAA levied a five-game suspension for Pitino at the start of the 2017-18 season, the overall response from both Pitino and Louisville was that the NCAA went too far.

Said Pitino at the time, “Personally, I’ve lost a lot of faith in the NCAA … with what they just did.”

Louisville backed Pitino's claims of innocence and in response appealed all of the NCAA’s sanctions that were not self-imposed (a postseason ban from the ACC and NCAA tournaments in 2015-16, a reduction of scholarships in 2016-17, and a reduction of recruiting visits in 2016-17 and 2017-18).

Cardinals' current FBI investigation

In September, the Cardinals’ basketball program — already on probation with the NCAA for its escort scandal — was one of several schools implicated in a federal investigation.

While not identified by name in any Department of Justice complaint, the FBI has alleged “University-6” agreed to pay a recruit $100,000 through athletic apparel company Adidas, and also discussed the payment to another future recruit to secure his commitment. The initial recruit appears to be Brian Bowen, whose commitment to Louisville was initially a shock when announced.

"We got lucky on this one," Pitino told Terry Meiners of News Radio 840 at the time.

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So far, no arrests for fraud, corruption or bribery have been made against anyone at Louisville, but the institution finds itself in hot water.

Just this past Wednesday, the indictment of Adidas executive James Gatto became unsealed, implicating Pitino slightly more than the initial September complaint. The unsealed indictment, which details a meeting between former AAU coach Christian Dawkins and a Louisville assistant, reads:

“Dawkins explained that while [Pitino] and the University of Louisville were recruiting [Bowen], Dawkins asked [Pitino] to call James Gatto to request that [Adidas] provide the money requested by the family of [Bowen], which [Pitino] agreed to do.”

If the allegations do prove true, once again, Louisville will have placed winning and revenue ahead of decency, federal law and NCAA rules that prohibit any payment to recruits for team commitments.

Anyone who followed the Pitino scandals of years past shouldn't be surprised of the latest allegations. After all, Louisville has time and time again failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance and ethical conduct within the men’s basketball program.

A needed rebuilding year

In Louisville, the men’s basketball coach is a larger-than-life individual. He’s impressionable not just on his players, but on the local community. He’s one of the highest paid individuals in the state, and mostly everyone is watching.

The fact that Louisville on two occasions chose to value its wallet above its morals helps explain why it finds itself today in the midst of an ongoing FBI probe, with its Hall of Fame coach fired and suing the school for what he perceives to be his guaranteed salary. But it doesn’t explain why the school ignored the ramifications of its inaction, especially when considering 50.6 percent of the undergraduate student population is female.

Sex-related controversies like those that occurred during Pitino’s tenure signify to a majority female student body that women are not truly valued. In a society where young women are already made to feel insecure about their bodies based on social media and the constant peer pressure, and with the number of reported sexual assaults on college campuses dramatically surging the past 15 years, Louisville failed its female students, alums and boosters.

The 2009 controversy teaches the male student body that abortion hush money is the answer, instead of sharing responsibility for one-night stands. The 2015 controversy teaches male students that breaking NCAA rules and using an escort service is OK, so long as you don’t get caught — and even then, Louisville itself probably won’t suspend you if you’re a male in position of power.

But because of its lackadaisical approach toward sexual controversies, the school’s rejection of corruption and morally depraved behavior was never fully expressed — at least not to the coach who appeared to have had nine lives — until now.

It turns out that neither of two infamously shameless sexual escapades was enough for Louisville to part ways with one of its most storied coaches. But an FBI probe hit the nail on the Cardinals’ coffin.

The warning signs were always present, even if they went largely unnoticed.

It’s up to Louisville now to revisit its playbook and reassess the school’s moral failures. A zero-tolerance policy toward disparaging sexual incidents would be a tremendous start. Implementing a robust, mandatory sexual conduct training program for coaches and student-athletes would be another major step. Off the court, a rebuilding year is critical. But only if the university wants to find itself out of the next FBI investigation loss column.

Cari Grieb covers the intersection of sports and the law. Cari practices banking law and sports finance at Chapman and Cutler LLP. She also serves as an adjunct professor at The John Marshall Law School, teaching courses in professional sports and the law and the NCAA and the law. Since 2013, she has been the Chair of the Chicago Bar Association Sports Law Committee. 

Cari Grieb