Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant help Colin Kaepernick complete $1M charity giveaway

Kirstie Chiappelli

Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant help Colin Kaepernick complete $1M charity giveaway image

The Bay Area's biggest star athletes have come together for a charitable cause.

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Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick announced Thursday (AEDT) the completion of his $1 million charity giveaway in which he gifted $100,000 each month to various community-action and social-justice organizations.

Kaepernick was able to reach his goal thanks, in part, to Warriors stars Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant, who donated $10,000 each.

“I don’t want to hear from anybody that’s criticizing what he’s doing with that million dollars,” Curry said, via the San Francisco Chronicle. “You can disagree with him, you can disagree with his kneeling and that whole journey, or anything he said. But the fact that he’s putting his money where his mouth is and going to communities and actually helping, not just talking, anybody who wants to criticize that can go somewhere else with that.”

Durant echoed Curry's praise, adding he can appreciate Kaepernick shedding light on harsh realities that are often overlooked.

“There are a lot of people that want to be in the dark about who they are and what they believe in. They want it to stay in the dark,” Durant said. “So I think he kind of brought everything to light. And a lot of people that he uncovered some truths about, they hate him. And the people that love him enjoy that he’s kind of been a whistle-blower for some of that stuff.

“It’s a conversation we need to have, and maybe he’s uncovering some stuff that’s going on in the higher-ups and front offices and the executives, that people don’t want to hear about. I love what he’s doing. He’s taking the brunt of the punch for everybody who believes what he’s standing up for. So all power and respect to him.”

While Curry and Durant have yet to meet Kaepernick in person, they're rooting for him to get back on the football field and resume his NFL career despite backlash for his controversial involvement in activism.

“If he wants to play, he should be given the opportunity,” Curry said, “and then he’d have to earn it from there, like every other NFL player.”

Kirstie Chiappelli