Ellie Day, golfer Jason's wife, has a message after her ugly LeBron James collision

Adi Joseph

Ellie Day, golfer Jason's wife, has a message after her ugly LeBron James collision image

Ellie Day is out of the hospital and recovering. That's the important part.

After she was plowed over by LeBron James in a completely accidental loose ball foul courtside at Thursday's Cavaliers-Thunder game, the wife of golfer Jason Day was taken to a hospital. She also was bizarrely criticized for not moving, and Jason Day was criticized for not helping her avoid James.

So Ellie did what we all do in 2015 and wrote out a message to those concerned for her — and the haters. 

Here's the full text:

Wow!! It’s official. More messages from getting plowed over by Lebron than Jason winning a major. HA.

First of all, I am okay!! I am incredibly sore and exhausted. Being tackled by that large man I would compare to a minor car accident. My head and neck hit pretty hard so it was really scary. My whole body feels like it was hit by a truck.

Second, it was so fast. I didn’t remember until 2am seeing the ball come toward me. It was a blur. To the crazies that think Jason should have protected me— if he had time to react, so would have I. Also, I would not have liked both dudes landing on me. Lebron is huge and had such momentum he could not have stopped!!

Third, people are saying its a money grab or some crap which is obviously absurd. Much like attending a golf event and risking getting hit with a ball, sitting court side you risk getting run into. I would never make anything more of it. They’re huge men doing their job. I was stabilized because I smashed my neck and head and obviously it was with great force.

Last, I am truly touched by the insane outpouring of support and those of you covering me in prayer. It could have been so much worse. I am thankful for so many things. One, that I didn’t have Lucy on my chest in her carrier, and that I wasn’t still pregnant. Also that Dash wasn’t with us. Also that Amy had my babies and got them to me at the hospital so I could feed little Lucy. It was my biggest concern when I came out of it. And that’s the end of my story. *^_^*

Much love to all of you ❤

And here's the collision with James, if you missed it:

The big news is Day seems to be OK. And she's right; it could have been much worse.

Adi Joseph

Adi Joseph Photo