A 'Sterling' need for reverse morals clauses in sports contracts

Cari Grieb

A 'Sterling' need for reverse morals clauses in sports contracts image

It was the rant heard ‘round the world.

Or as Donald Sterling would clarify, it was a “lovers’ quarrel” illegally recorded and disclosed to the media.

In the aftermath of the infamous recording, Sterling, then-owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, wore a virtual scarlet “R.” He became an overnight pariah on the Internet, and his likeability ratings, according to a May 2014 ESPN poll, fell below alleged murder Aaron Hernandez and formerly convicted felon Michael Vick. His racist remarks were scorned publicly by the President of the United States. His team lost sponsorships with KIA, Virgin America and Aqua Hydrate. NBA players threatened to stage a boycott if Commissioner Adam Silver’s punishment was not severe enough. Silver subsequently fined the controversial owner $2.5 million and banned him from the league for life; he also urged all 29 owners to force a sale of Sterling’s team pursuant to Section 13 of the NBA Constitution. 

Even before Sterling agreed to go on Anderson Cooper, it was too late. Most of society, along with Commissioner Silver, had already charged and convicted him of racism.

The Clippers’ players faced a classic Hobson’s choice: (i) play for an alleged racist and help him win an NBA Championship or (ii) not play.

These players, who also happened to be predominantly African American, had no ability to void their contracts and play for another team in response to their owner’s moral turpitude. There was no reverse morals clause in their employment agreements.

Morals clauses, also referred to as “public image clauses” or “good-conduct clauses,” provide teams, leagues and endorsement companies the right to terminate, suspend or otherwise punish an athlete for engaging in criminal or reprehensible behavior or conduct that may negatively impact his or her public image and, by association, the public image of the team, league or company. Given the millions teams and companies spend on athletes, morals clauses provide such employers the flexibility to suspend or terminate a relationship if an athlete’s scandal spells financial disaster.

League-wide, standard player contracts typically contain morals clauses. The NFL even has its own morality code, the NFL Personal Conduct Policy. But these leaguewide morals clauses only provide teams and leagues the sole right to invoke the clauses and discipline a player; the clauses never permit an athlete to void his contract for an owner’s or coach’s moral impropriety.

Of course, what Sterling teaches us, is that it is not just athletes who behave badly. Owners, coaches and even companies can create scandals, too.

A more prudent approach would be for an athlete to include a reverse morals clause in his employment and endorsement contracts, permitting him to terminate a relationship if an owner, coach, or endorsement company engages in reprehensible conduct. Players with bargaining leverage would favor broad reverse morals clauses, whereas owners, coaches and companies would favor contracts with limited trigger circumstances. The scope and breadth of any reverse morals clause would depend on the reputation, popularity and stature of the contracting parties.                   

After Enron Corporation filed for bankruptcy in November 2001, the Astros spent the next two months buying out the remaining $2.1 million of its naming rights agreement with the insolvent corporation. “Enron Field” would have aggrieved thousands of Astros fans who lost their jobs at the energy powerhouse. A broad reverse morals clause in the Astros’ naming rights contract could have saved the franchise millions after the Enron fallout.

A broad reverse morals clause in the Clippers players’ contracts also could have provided the athletes the opportunity to terminate their employment relationship and become free agents upon the publicized revelation of Sterling’s derogatory views towards minorities.

Reverse morals clauses are a nascent area of law. To date, none have been agreed to in player contracts or endorsement deals. In order for reverse morals clauses to be agreed to in standard player contracts, owners and players would first need to agree to them in collective bargaining negotiations. However, given the many challenges players’ associations face, reverse morals clauses are not a priority, and are therefore unlikely to make their way into collective bargaining agreements and standard player contracts.

The greater likelihood is for an athlete with star power, such as Kevin Durant, to demand a reverse morals clause in an endorsement deal. But even the most scrupulous agent will have a difficult time accomplishing that feat, as an endorsement company can pass over Durant and enter into an endorsement deal with a comparable All Star not demanding such a clause.

Thus, one must wonder whether the NBA would ever have become embroiled in litigation with the man who has become the face of racism and bigotry, if reverse morals clauses had existed in Clippers players’ contracts when TMZ leaked its recording. If players had the ability to terminate their contracts, Sterling would have had less leverage in any sale, making his breach of contract and antitrust claims against the league significantly weaker. Nonetheless, as Steve Ballmer has assumed ownership of the $2 billion dollar franchise, there is at least a happy ending for Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and the rest of the Clippers, even if it took longer than needed to get there.

Off the Court: Cari Grieb covers the intersection of sports and the law. Cari practices banking law and sports finance at Chapman and Cutler LLP. She also serves as an adjunct professor at The John Marshall Law School, teaching courses in professional sports and the law and the NCAA and the law.  Since 2013, she has been the Chair of the Chicago Bar Association Sports Law Committee. She can be followed on Twitter @SportsLawStern and reached at [email protected].

Cari Grieb