Diabetes put the brakes on Jamie Dick's season

Jo Innes

Diabetes put the brakes on Jamie Dick's season image

Viva Motorsports’ Jamie Dick had an unexpected end to last weekend’s Axalta Faster Tougher Brighter 200 at Phoenix International Raceway.

After a 28th-place finish in last Saturday's Xfinity Series event, he reported to the infield medical care center feeling dizzy and fatigued. What was originally thought to be a heat-related ailment turned out to be new onset diabetes, and Dick was sent to a nearby hospital for more testing and treatment. He was released the next day and flew home to Charlotte, N.C., where he has undergone additional evaluation and likely education to learn how to deal with this diagnosis.

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Jamie Dick races in the 55 car. (Image courtesy Viva Motorsports)

Dick’s condition has been referred to in the media as Type 2 diabetes, non-insulin dependent diabetes (an old, outdated term) and onset diabetes (which isn’t a real thing). New onset diabetes simply means it’s newly diagnosed. 

Diabetes primer

To understand diabetes you have to understand the basics of how the body powers itself. Put very simply, the food you eat contains glucose (sugar), which your cells use for energy. The pancreas produces insulin, which gets the glucose out of the blood and into the cells. If your cells don’t respond to the insulin you’re producing, or if you’re not producing insulin at all, blood sugar levels rise, and eventually your body finds other ways to deal with it, which can have nasty side effects.

What used to be called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is now called Type 1 diabetes. While it usually starts in childhood, it does happen to adults. Type 1 diabetics don’t produce any insulin and require injections. There are plenty of theories about what causes Type 1 diabetes, but genetics definitely are thought to play a role.

That’s in contrast to Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes) which, while it can have a small genetic component, is primarily related to obesity and poor lifestyle choices. Type 2 diabetics don’t produce enough insulin, and have insulin-resistant cells (meaning they’re terrible at getting glucose out of the blood and into the cell). Some Type 2 diabetics can manage their conditions with pills, and some require insulin. As obesity levels rise, Type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed in younger and younger people, sometimes even in children.

Dick’s diagnosis

It’s standard that anyone complaining of feeling dizzy in a medical setting will have their blood glucose checked. When Dick reported to the infield care center and had a high glucose reading, the hospital visit became a necessity. Type 1 diabetics tend to be very sick when they’re diagnosed, and can be in a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) where the body starts burning fat for energy (since it can’t use glucose), causing a dangerous buildup of acidic byproducts in the body. While Type 2 diabetics can also be very sick at diagnosis, it's nowhere near as common.

Dick would have had a urinalysis and blood work done to determine if he was in DKA or if he was simply hyperglycemic (high blood sugar). Running around with undiagnosed diabetes leads to running around with high blood sugars, which can have a variety of unpleasant side effects. The kidneys start dumping glucose, which means they start producing more urine. To compensate you get thirsty and soon you’re chugging water and constantly peeing.

Polyuria (peeing a lot) and polydipsia (drinking a lot) are two symptoms new onset diabetics almost always complain of. The upshot is it’s easy to end up dehydrated, dizzy and fatigued after minimal effort, let alone after hundreds of miles in a stock car.

What this means for Dick

The most important item after a new diagnosis of diabetes is to get the blood glucose under control, and take care of any electrolyte abnormalities or dehydration. That would have been taken care of in the hospital in Arizona. Next is figuring out how to manage the disease. In a Type 1 diabetic that means initiating insulin therapy. In a Type 2 diabetic that may mean pills or insulin (or both). Dick will have to learn to monitor his blood glucose, watch what he eats and exercise regularly.

There’s no reason Dick’s diagnosis should have any impact on his racing. Again, he’ll have to be conscious of what he eats, and he will have to be careful to stay hydrated in race situations. Being diagnosed with diabetes is a big deal, and means a lot of lifestyle adjustments have to be made, but a change in career doesn’t necessarily have to be one of them.

Dr. Jo Innes is a contributor for Sporting News. Follow her on Twitter: @JoNana.

Jo Innes