Rare home plate collision results in out and injury for Steven Souza Jr.

Troy Machir

Rare home plate collision results in out and injury for Steven Souza Jr. image

Before the start of the 2014 season, Major League Baseball implemented a new rule that would help removed home plate collisions from the game.

However, the rule did leave room open for collisions to continue, albeit on rare occasions.

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During the first inning of the series finale on Sunday afternoon between the Athletics and Rays, outfielder Steven Souza Jr. attempted to score on a James Loney single to left field. As Souza approached home plate, he opted to plow through Athletics catch Stephen Vogt instead of attempting to slide. 

The throw from Sam Fuld was on point, and Vogt hung on to the ball, resulting in an out. 

But as CBS Sports' Mike Axisa points out, the three variables necessary for a collision to be allowed — the catcher having possession, the catcher blocking the pathway to the plate, and the runner not deviating from the direct pathway — were in play.

The throw from Fuld forced Vogt to move into Souza's path. By the time Souza met Vogt, Souza's decision to not slide had already been made. 

Souza was called out on the play, but not because of the collision. That being said, Souza did receive the worst of the exchange. He exited the game several innings later with a sprained wrist, the same wrist that made contact with Vogt during the collision.

Home plate collisions are an entertaining part of the game. But given the risk of injury involved, it makes sense that MLB would limit them from happening. But even though there are still occasions in which a home plate collision can occur, it's easy to see just how dangerous they are. 

Troy Machir