Josh Hamilton and addiction in baseball

Jo Innes

Josh Hamilton and addiction in baseball image

Angels outfielder Josh Hamilton’s struggles with alcohol and cocaine addiction hit the news again this week with the revelation that he’d self-reported a relapse.

Hamilton’s history with substance abuse goes back almost to the start of a baseball career that began when the then-Devil Rays drafted him first overall in 1999. An injury in a motor vehicle collision in 2001 led to a slow drift into crack cocaine and alcohol addiction. After multiple stints in rehab, Hamilton was out of baseball from 2003 through 2006 because of suspensions and self-imposed time off. 

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Hamilton had appeared to have put his issues behind him. He was named AL MVP in 2010 and made two trips to the World Series with the Rangers in 2010 and 2011. His problems continued to simmer in the background, however, with alcohol relapses in 2009 and 2012. He signed a five-year, $125 million contract with the Angels after the 2012 season, but his time in Anaheim has been marred by injuries and declining performance. News of his most recent relapse may call into doubt whether he can ever return to baseball.

MLB substance abuse rules

Hamilton is subject to drug testing three times a week as a part of his treatment plan. MLB's substance abuse rules are clear on penalties for drugs of abuse — first offense results in a 15-game suspension, second is 25 to 50 games, third is 50 to 75 games, fourth is one year. On the fifth offense, the commissioner will impose discipline “consistent with the concept of progressive discipline.”

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Positive tests result in the player being referred to a treatment board tasked with deciding if the player has complied with his treatment program, and if the plan needs revision. It's up to the player to prove that a positive test didn’t result from a lack of commitment to the plan. Did the player simply relapse, or is he continuing to use without regard to his treatment goals? Is he trying to get clean, or is he trying to keep using? The board takes into account a player's history of positive tests, a physician’s evaluation, and the player’s willingness to consider other treatment options such as rehab, which Hamilton has done several times.

Cocaine, alcohol and athlete health

While alcohol isn’t a banned substance, it’s one of the most dangerous legal substances when misused. The short-term effects are obvious — bad decisions, legal issues, vomiting, hangovers, poor performance. The long-term effects of heavy drinking aren’t immediately apparent, but they're where the real problems lie: cardiomyopathy (weak heart), liver damage, hypertension, a ruined career.

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. It increases heart rate and blood pressure and causes the coronary arteries to constrict, often causing chest pain. It changes the heart itself, leading to thickening of the heart wall, heart disease, and heart attacks. Crack cocaine can cause “crack lung” which is essentially bleeding and fluid in the lungs which can cause respiratory failure. Crack is powerfully addictive, enough so that even the brightest people disregard the fact that it could potentially kill them with a single use in order to chase the high.

Baseball and cocaine

MLB is no stranger to careers affected by cocaine and alcohol. Dwight Gooden willingly spent time in jail instead of on probation in an attempt to stop using. Darryl Strawberry spent time in jail, in rehab and on probation. He also wound up in the media for car chases and arrests at gunpoint. Steve Howe was suspended multiple times and died at age 48 when he rolled his truck. MLB’s drug policies are designed to support athletes, but the most determined addict can foil the best-intentioned attempts to help them.

What's next?

It remains to be seen what will come of these latest issues. He’s already out until early May after surgery to repair the AC joint in his right shoulder, and his meeting Wednesday with baseball officials should determine the next disciplinary step. Given his history, the possibilities could be extreme. The possibilities for the future effects on his health are even more extreme.

Jo Innes is a doctor and contributor for Sporting News. Follow her on Twitter: @JoNana.

Jo Innes