Did Bruce Lee die from drinking too much water? What's overhydration and how to avoid it

Gloria Fung

Did Bruce Lee die from drinking too much water? What's overhydration and how to avoid it image

Aside from his lightning-fast kicks, Bruce Lee is best remembered for his philosophy on martial arts and life. The motto he famously lived by was 'be water', which he applied to his wing chun practice and as a general philosophy on life. Lee tragically passed away at the height of his career in 1973 at 32, with an entire life ahead of him. For decades, everything from rumours of foul play and gang-related retaliation to drug overdose surrounded his cause of death, though officially, cerebral oedema was to blame. 

However, a recent study published in the Oxford University Press by kidney experts who examined the evidence surrounding Lee's death suggests the Hongkongese superstar who lived to move and think with the fluidity and dynamism of water might have died of overhydration. The study, which examines medical reports and other public documentation, suggests cerebral oedema, or brain swelling, triggered the fluid build that ultimately led Lee to drown in his own fluids. 

"We now propose, based on an analysis of publicly available information, that the cause of death was cerebral oedema due to hyponatraemia…We propose that the kidney's inability to excrete excess water killed Bruce Lee," the study concludes. 

The report goes further to examine the risk factors that could've led to hyponatraemia, which included a high chronic fluid intake induced by increased thirst, such as marijuana and alcohol use, as well as some of the medication that he took as a result of pasty kidney injury and exercise. 

Though the report indicates that a buildup of bodily fluids due to the kidneys' inability to filter was the cause, the narrative picked up by the media has shifted to highlight the possible high chronic intake of fluids. It begs the question: is it possible to over-hydrate to the point of death?

Overhydration, in the simplest terms, according to registered nurse and nutritionist Madeline Calfas, is an excess of water and fluids in the body. Proper hydration keeps our bodies going, our joints smooth, and our skin supple, boosting our recovery time. However, "Drinking more water than is needed can be just as problematic as not drinking enough and can lead to water intoxication," she says. 

Calfas says myriad factors can lead to overhydration; those who suffer from psychogenic polydipsia, a psychiatric disorder to constantly feel thirsty, are exposed to the dangers of excessive fluid intake. 

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However, it occurs most commonly among elite athletes. "Ultramarathon runners, endurance cyclists, rowers, army and military personnel are at a higher risk of developing overhydration," she says. "Athletes are also at risk of overhydration as they may try to avoid dehydration by drinking excessive water."

Despite the risk of drinking too much water post-exercise, it's rarely the cause of overhydration. "When we drink, our kidneys are responsible for helping our bodies to eliminate any excess water, so provided they are functioning normally (along with the pituitary gland, heart, lungs and liver), excess water should be filtered out before it becomes a problem."

From consumption alone, a grown adult would have to drink 23 litres of water in a single day before they begin to exhibit signs of water intoxication, says Calfas. 

Still, athletes should be mindful of the amount of fluids they consume, especially while exercising. Drinking can make it more difficult for the body to stay hydrated because you can run the risk of diluting electrolyte levels. The nutritionist suggests weighing in before and after an event to gauge how much water's been lost and needs to be replenished. 

And if you're still unsure, revert to the tried and tested urine test. "A good rule of thumb for the everyday person is to look to your wee for guidance. Dark, strong-smelling urine is often an indication of dehydration, and urine should ideally be straw-coloured or clear at the end of the day."

Calfas says drinking roughly 35 ml per kg of body weight should be adequate. And if you still feel excessively thirsty, seek medical advice to explore other possible health concerns. 

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Gloria Fung

Gloria Fung Photo

Health & Fitness Editor