'I find it boring': Fremantle captain Nat Fyfe talks about watching AFL games

Mick Stirling

'I find it boring': Fremantle captain Nat Fyfe talks about watching AFL games image

Fremantle captain Nat Fyfe has declared he finds watching AFL football “boring” and that he has needed to force a routine on himself to get through the demands of being Fremantle’s star player and captain.

Fyfe opened up to former Western Bulldogs skipper Bob Murphy on Tuesday night as the guest on Murphy’s Fox Footy show Bob.

Asked if he liked to sit back and watch other matches in his spare time, Fyfe said he could have a game on but preferred to break down the play than enjoy the spectacle.

“I find it quite boring,” Fyfe said.

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“It’s too long. I’d rather watch on Foxtel on mute and pause and rewind stoppages and different intricacies. I’d look for stuff and little signs of what players are doing.

“(Stoppages are) where the game is won and lost.” 

Fyfe also talked about struggling with motivation to train, saying he wasn’t a morning person and in his early years at the Dockers would turn up to the club grumpy for the first hour or so each day.

“I’d roll into footy at 8am with bed hair, grumpy and not acknowledge anyone for an hour until I found my rhythm.

“(Former Sydney captain and Fremantle assistant coach) Brett Kirk was the one that made me a bit aware of it. You have to neutralise your energy constantly if you want to be a leader around this joint.

“Kirk was like a big human mirror getting me to look back at myself.”

Kirk laid a plan for Fyfe that saw the then up-and-coming player hit the surf early every morning, not so much for the remedial value of salt water on weary muscles as simply to achieve something at the start of each day.

“The challenge was (initially) three weeks of 6am beach sessions,” Fyfe said.

“The first thing that you do in the day is an achievement so that the rest comes easy.

“(The club) is a tough place to walk into some mornings, particularly as an introvert into the robustness of a footy club where people are ready to chirp you, come at you or pat you on the back or ask you to do something.

“If you’re not ready for that it can be hard work.”

Mick Stirling