Australian cricket needs Steve Smith, but it will take time to recover from ball-tampering says Steve Waugh

Angus Reid

Australian cricket needs Steve Smith, but it will take time to recover from ball-tampering says Steve Waugh image

Australian cricket legend Steve Waugh knows how important Steve Smith is to the future of the Aussie side, and believes that the public will welcome him back with open arms.

Smith is in the middle of his 12-month ban that saw the former skipper, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft banned for their involvement in the ball-tampering scandal that occurred back in South Africa in March.

Waugh, who played 168 Test matches with the baggy green atop his head between 1985-2004, knows it will be a tough road back for Smith.

"The Australian public will still adore Steve Smith," Waugh said on Fox Sports News on Tuesday.

MORE: Aaron Finch: Test dream looked improbable because of lack of runs in longer-form cricket

"They're forgiving, he made a mistake obviously and he's paid a heavy price for it.

"If he gets back out there and plays with the same enthusiasm and passion, and he loves the game of cricket, he loves scoring runs, I think the Australian public will move past what happened before.

"We need him back in Australian cricket. You can't lose someone of that quality overnight and expect to replace it.

"I hope it's the same with David Warner. You want to give guys an opportunity to redeem themselves for what happened.

"It's going to be a challenge to come back into the fold. You're out of the game for just 12 months, the game does move on, you lose that aura of invincibility about you, you become a little bit more fragile, maybe a bit of self-doubt creeps in, so it's going to be a real challenge for all three of those players to come back strong."

Waugh, along with the rest of Aussie sports lovers, was hurting when those events transpired in South Africa, but, like a lot of the public, his initial concerns slowly diminished over time.

"Opposition fans and players will remember what happened in South Africa for a long while," Waugh said.

"We still haven't moved on from the Trevor Chappell underarm incident in New Zealand 30 years ago, that's another thing that these boys are going to have to cope with.

"They're going to have to be prepared, every day of their lives someone is going to mention it, whether it's right or wrong it's going to happen.

"If you can't handle that situation and move on from that, it's going to be difficult. It can be cruel and unfair, but I think they're strong enough and will have good support people around them to overcome that.

"It was hard for everyone to watch, obviously it was a moment of madness for those players, they obviously weren't thinking clearly.

"The way that they reacted to it I guess showed the Australian cricket team thought they could just apologise and move on, it was a much bigger issue than that obviously.

"The main thing is to learn from that, cricketers would have seen that and thought, 'well, hang on, we can't behave that way on the sporting field'.

"There's an opportunity to turn it into a real positive down the track, but at the time, I was in disbelief like everyone else.

"I went through a range of emotions, I thought, 'why did they do it?' and felt a bit sorry for them after the press conferences.

"Reality set in after that. It's not the worst thing in the world that's happened. In the overall scheme of things, it's quite small, but in sporting terms it's large."

What else did Waugh have to say about the future of the Australian cricket team? Read on below to find out.


"It's obviously a little bit different," Waugh said.

"It's caused criticism in some quarters, but I know that Justin Langer has a plan and he wants a certain type of player in his squad.

"In a lot of ways, they've got to recover and rebound from what happened in South Africa, I guess it's a clean slate in a way.

"He's picking guys who he thinks have got good temperament, who are strong-willed people who obviously have skill, and from there you can build that base and hopefully create a side that stays together for quite a while."


"I think Finch's selection is warranted," Waugh said.

"It's a good reward for having a fantastic international one-day career, he's a good leader and thoroughly deserves his spot.

"Mike Hussey didn't debut for Australia until he was 28, and he became one Australia's greatest players so that's a really good benchmark to follow and he should aspire in his footsteps.

"There's no reason why it can't be done. You look at players like Chris Rogers, it can be done."


"I can't really comment on whether Glenn Maxwell should be in the squad because I'm not close enough to what's going on," Waugh said.

"There's obviously some stuff around the team, players knock each other, there's a reason why he's not picked I'm just not sure what it is.

"Justin and the selectors have obviously thought about it long and hard because they knew it would be controversial to leave him out.

"The guy has got enormous talent, but in sport, talent is probably the most overrated word. Can you reproduce that regularly and consistently and what do you give to the team.

"You've got to have that all-round package.

"There's no doubt that he could play, he's got a Test hundred already, fans want to see him in the side, he's just got to tick all the boxes that are required and I'm hoping that Justin and the selectors are saying, 'this is what you've got to do to get in the side' because most Australian cricket fans want to see him there."


"If Pat Cummins and Josh Hazlewood were there, Siddle wouldn't be in the side," Waugh said.

"He's replaced those two experienced players so I think it's a good selection. Those young guys will get opportunities, Chris Tremain has been earmarked as a Test player, he's had a good Shield season, and it's not going to hurt him to be out of the side for a couple of Test matches, in some ways it will probably make him hungrier.

"Siddle was a good selection, they wanted some stability, particularly on very flat wickets.

"To ask a young quick to go over to the UAE and bowl on those pitches, that's a big task."


"Potentially Langer could play all three spinners, but you'd still like to have a balanced attack even though the pitches are flat and likely to turn," Waugh said.

"It's good to see Holland back involved, that's a good reward for an excellent Shield season, and that's what you want to try and create in Australia.

"You want recognition for those who've done well in Shield cricket, maybe we've gone away from that in the past four or five years, and it's great to see Holland back in and getting a chance."


"Langer loves Australia, he loves the baggy green, he loves mateship and camaraderie and he's a really good father figure," Waugh said.

"He'll mentor these guys, and he'll be hard but fair.

"That's what the players will respect about Justin, they'll know exactly where they stand with him.

"If they've got an issue or a problem, they can go to him and he'll be fair about that.

"He's done fantastic things with Western Australia, he's developed a lot of the younger players into, not only good cricketers but good people. 

"That's going to be the key for Australia going forward. If we can create those players and people, then Australian cricket will be in safe hands."


"Paine is a strong character obviously," Waugh said.

"He's initiated a few things straight away like shaking hands with the opposition. It might only be a small thing in someone's eyes, but the good thing is he's doing it his way and he's not following out of someone else's textbook.

"As a leader, you've got to know what your style is and back that, even if it's a bit different.

"It's going to be challenging, they've already found that out in the one-day series in England where they lost.

"This is going to be a really tough series against Pakistan, playing in conditions that they really like.

"If we can get away with a drawn series it's a hugely successful result.

"Paine's got to be resilient, he's got a lot of skill, he has the respect of the players.

"The main thing with Tim is whether he wants the job. If you don't want the job then you're going to be in real trouble. He'll embrace the challenge.

"I hope he had a lot of input into the squad. I know as a captain, even when I wasn't a selector, 95 per cent of the time I got the players I wanted.

"It makes sense because if you're leading those players, you want guys in the trenches that you trust and respect and you know can perform under pressure."

Angus Reid

Angus Reid Photo