Failing score review system shows AFL's priorities amiss

Rohan Connolly

Failing score review system shows AFL's priorities amiss image

The AFL has always been an easy target for criticism administering a game which has continued to grow in reach and interest in the era of the national competition.

But sometimes the league makes it easier, particularly when it comes to its priorities. And even easier still when there’s a juxtaposition of events which bring those priorities starkly into focus. As was the case on the weekend.

On Saturday, the AFL’s two newest clubs, Greater Western Sydney and Gold Coast, met at Giants Stadium before a paltry crowd of 7581, not the sort of endorsement of the growth of the Giants and Suns the league was looking for.

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On Sunday, the China experiment continued, Port Adelaide playing for the third time at Jiangwan Stadium in Shanghai. It had played Gold Coast in the first two games, on both occasions drawing a touch over 10,000 people.  This time, despite the fact the Power was playing a more traditional club in St Kilda, the match drew only 9412, the empty seats conspicuous to say the least.

That followed a week in which the AFL chose to make a public issue of the sanctioning of club cheer squads for yelling abuse at umpires, a red rag to a bull if ever there was one.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, another more fundamental struggle was going on. This one simply to oversee the rules of the game.

Yes, the issue of score reviews gone wrong reared its ugly head again, not once, but twice.

At the MCG on Saturday, Fremantle’s Michael Walters’ goal was on replay clearly touched by Collingwood’s Chris Mayne. It wasn’t corrected, and in a game decided by less than a goal, the furore was entirely predictable.

At Perth’s Optus Stadium on Sunday night, it was almost an action replay, with West Coast’s Oscar Allen’s shot also clearly touched by the Western Bulldogs’ Marcus Bontempelli, but again, not corrected.

Sometimes, score review blunders have been caused by inadequate technology, on other occasions, simple human error. But they’re still happening far too often. And when it’s at the same time the AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan is sitting in a half-empty stadium half-a-world away, it’s an even worse look.

It’s just on 10 years now that the possibility of video score reviews was first raised after Geelong’s Tom Hawkins was awarded a goal which had in fact brushed a post in the 2009 grand final. There was another incident in the 2011 grand final which preceded the introduction of the system for the 2012 season.

Which means this is the eighth season we’ve had the score review in place. That’s plenty of time to iron out any kinks, isn’t it?

Not according to the AFL statement on Sunday following the Walters goal, which cited, vaguely, “technical reasons” for the error, then added that the league would “continue to improve the score review process to ensure that all vision captured by the broadcaster is available to score review officers at the time of the review”.

Decoded, the statement was conceding that the score review officer hadn’t in fact seen the relevant replay of Mayne touching Walters’ shot and had instead been watching another replay on the goal line of Collingwood’s Steele Sidebottom touching the ball some distance behind the line.

We never got an explanation as to why the relevant footage wasn’t available. According to Collingwood president and TV veteran Eddie McGuire on Monday morning, it was because as well as its normal coverage, Fox Footy was also using 4G technology, and that particular feed isn’t available in the score review box.

McGuire added that “to put in what they have to (in order to make that feed available) would cost an absolute mint”. Maybe, but again, the contrast with another huge logistical exercise in playing a game for premiership points overseas, isn’t a great look when it comes to priorities.

But the other issue here is that like the introduction of video technology to officiating in other sports, the original brief has been exceeded.

When the score review system was introduced in 2012, it was referred to as “goal line technology”, clearly meant to rule on shots which either may have touched a post, or been touched before the goal line.

That hasn’t just been the case for some time now. In fact, it appears most score reviews now focus on shots being touched off the boot rather than on the goal line, the footage often grainy and indistinct. Some are called, some aren’t.

Eight years on, it’s all a mess, getting murkier, and the reactions to it all more agitated. Like that of Brownlow medallist Jimmy Bartel, who on Macquarie Sports Radio on Monday accused the AFL of “telling lies” about reviewing every goal as a matter of course.

“You're a billion-dollar business and a six-year-old sitting at home can see it was touched. It's not that hard. If you're going back to (score review) technology you can't half-arse it,” Bartel said. Blunt. But on point.

So with the genie out of the bottle, what does the AFL do? It could invest whatever is required out of those billions to at least make sure it has the same access to the same technology the broadcasters do.

It could re-write the rules so that the technology can only be applied to incidents occurring within the shortest possible distance of the goal line, which was the original intent, conceding that there will be shots touched further out which, if not called by umpires at the time, will remain goals. Or it could scrap altogether the system, which really doesn’t seem to have improved much at all over the years.

Perhaps, though, what it should do first, is make it abundantly clear to the football world, most of all the football public, where its priorities are now.

And fixing a mess which is absolutely fundamental to the integrity of AFL games for premiership points simply has to come before overseas expeditions or telling fans off for bad language.

You can read more of RoCo’s work at Footyology.

Rohan Connolly