Former GWS coach Mark Williams believed Israel Folau would 'make it' in the AFL

Ben Madden

Former GWS coach Mark Williams believed Israel Folau would 'make it' in the AFL image

Controversial sporting figure Israel Folau had a short stint in the AFL, as one of GWS' foundation players, playing for the club in 2011 and 2012.

While many criticised the Giants' move to sign the rugby code-hopper, former assistant coach for GWS and Port Adelaide premiership coach, Mark Williams, has come out in defence of the move.

Speaking on the Herald Sun's SACKED podcast, he says that Folau needed better coaching around him after making the move from rugby.

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“It was money well spent. He would get on the front and back pages of the papers regularly.

“He is probably the nicest, quietest, most respectful person I have ever met.

“So with the coaches we had to actually help him, we probably didn’t give him his best chance.

“If I cut the best stuff out he did, you would go ‘Wow’.

“This is from a person who saw Matthew Lloyd at 16 or 17 coaching at Essendon and saying, ‘I see something in him’. 

“I still see something in Israel and I thought he would go on to make it on one or two more years … with continually better coaching and better resources and all the things we didn’t have at the time.

"He joined in and tried very, very hard and now I am disappointed with how it has come around that everyone is very polarised on him. As a person he is one of the nicest people I have met.”

Williams has also revealed that he was set to be foundation senior GWS coach Kevin Sheedy's successor before the club reneged on their promise.

Not only that, however, but he was effectively the foundation senior coach in all but name.

“I knew what I was getting into but I thought I was going to be coach and that’s the reason I went there,” he said.

“When I was told, ‘You are still getting paid by Port Adelaide, we are not going to pay you very much’, that’s the AFL’s take on it.

“It was a wonderful connection with Sheeds.

“We met with Gubby (football boss Graeme Allan) and Gubby said ‘Sheeds is going to do all the promotional stuff, you will do all the reviews, you will do all the planning, you will do all the mentoring of the other coaches’, it’s what a senior coach does."

Ben Madden