Ben Stratton: Luke Hodge calls for goal umpires to have power to pay free kicks

Ben Stratton: Luke Hodge calls for goal umpires to have power to pay free kicks image

Brisbane Lions veteran Luke Hodge has called for goal umpires to have the power to pay free kicks, following Ben Stratton's controversial actions over the weekend.

Stratton was handed a two game suspension by the tribunal on Tuesday night after Friday night's clash, where he was caught stomping on the foot of Essendon's Shaun McKernan, and pinching the arm of Orazio Fantasia.

Much of the criticism was placed on Stratton, including from Port Adelaide great Kane Cornes, and Hawks CEO Justin Reeves, but there was some blame placed on the umpires, who did not pay a free kick against the 30-year-old for his actions.

Hodge, a former teammate of Stratton's during his 305-game career at Hawthorn, said that goal umpires should be able to pay free kicks if the field umpires are not in position to see what is happening.

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“I know the goal umpire is standing right there. If a defender is doing that in the goal square and no umpire can see it, the goal umpire can say to the umpire I’ve seen him do this, he’s pinched him, it’s a free kick,” Hodge told SEN.

“You don’t want umpires overruling everything, but if you can see the mark on his arm and he’s doing it consistently, the umpire can only really pay a free kick if he sees it then and there.

“Do you give the responsibility to the goal umpire and say if he’s doing it there when there’s no umpire, he has the ability to foul him?

“That might stop the player from doing it the first time and then we don’t have this issue moving forward.”

Hodge went on to defend the current Hawthorn skipper, who he said should be credited for coming out and admitting he was in the wrong.

“I know Stratton – I guess most back pockets – will try and do what they can do get under the skin of their opponent and I think Stratton did the right thing as far as after the game he came and apologised and said he went too far,” he said.

“He said he’s never going to do it again and I think as a player as soon as you realise it’s gone too far, put your hand up and admit you’ve done the wrong thing."