Revamped AFLX a sign of things to come for the competition?

Rohan Connolly

Revamped AFLX a sign of things to come for the competition? image

AFL football is pushing the boundaries of change. If you had to be convinced of that, you only needed to see the news on the weekend about plans for the second AFLX tournament to be held in February.

Already the subject of much scepticism, AFLX became more an object of ridicule after the league announced that this time, the participants would not be AFL clubs, but four designated teams named … wait for it … the Bolts, Flyers, Deadlys and Rampage.

Not exactly the Tigers or Hawks, is it? And conspiracy theories that this was an uncomfortably close commercial tie-in with the new naming rights sponsor of the AFL’s own ground, Marvel, were hardly alleviated by the accompanying team logos, just like something out of a “Superhero” franchise movie.

The four teams will be selected from a pool of 100 players and led by Patrick Dangerfield, Nat Fyfe, Jack Riewoldt and Eddie Betts.

And it’s their alleged Superhero qualities after which the teams have derived their names, the AFL website dutifully reporting that the Bolts were due to Dangerfield’s “explosive pace”, the Flyers named after Fyfe’s “marking strength”, the Rampage because of Riewoldt’s “capacity to break tackles and go hard in the air,” with Betts’ team an “all-indigenous line-up.”

This might have been a press release for “Avengers XIV” or whatever number we’re up to now. And like a lot of people, I cringed hard. But beyond that discomfort, there’s a few serious issues raised here.

While there’s merit in a form of the game which is easily transportable to a setting overseas not requiring the bigger ovals on which AFL football is played, at what point does that product bear so little resemblance to the code with which we’re familiar that it might as well just be another sport and the gospel supposedly being spread from a completely different hymn book?

Say AFLX does eventually make it overseas. Will any young converts actually be attracted to the “longer form” of the game from which it has been bastardised given such loose ties to the original version?

It perhaps wasn’t the greatest weekend to be arguing that they would given the evidence of cricket’s Second Test between Australia and India in Perth.  Despite the new home of the 60,000-capacity Optus Stadium, attendance only just tipped 20,000 on day one and was less again on Saturday and Sunday. 

WACA chief executive Christina Matthews has blamed the residual impact of “sandpapergate”, but neither do the numbers present much of a case for a wildly popular spin-off (in this case T20) drawing new fans to all forms of the game.

Particularly not if the Perth Scorchers first BBL home game on Boxing Day draws significantly more people (and you can have very short odds of that).

A more serious issue still is the appropriation of money and resources. Much of the negative reaction to the weekend’s news focussed on the AFL’s priorities and the cost of both staging and promoting what is a one-off exhibition event.

The player wage cost alone for February’s AFLX extravaganza will be in the order of $300,000, not a great deal perhaps by the standards of a competition which talks billions of dollars when it comes to broadcasting rights, but significant indeed for the little clubs at grass roots level of the game.

At a time when women’s football is taking off and participation numbers of girls at junior level booming, there’s a pretty reasonable argument that the time, energy and dollars spent on AFLX could have been sent instead in that direction. Not to mention the rather modest sums players even at AFLW level are receiving.

As for the men’s game, well, suburban and especially country football clubs and leagues continue to cry for help in terms of funding, with mergers, withdrawals and disbandments left, right and centre, many of them in what have been heritage regions.

Tasmania’s troubles have been well-documented, and the AFL’s decision to invest in expansion towards non-traditional markets ahead of the Apple Isle the subject of much debate for a good decade now.

And while the AFL executive has paid a little more lip service football in Tasmania of late, and the state did produce two players selected in the top 10 at the recent national draft, the fact remains two long-standing Tasmanian teams in Burnie and Devonport have still withdrawn from the local state league.

Finally, what does this new AFLX concept suggest about the further encroachment of corporatisation into the game?

You might remember last February’s inaugural AFLX weekend featured those ubiquitous 10-point long-range goals known as “Zoopers”, named after the ice confection. This version’s wacky team names and very “Marvel-esque” logos is clearly another step up the “corporate synergy” ladder.

And if you already had your suspicions about just what an American corporate monolith might expect out of a naming rights deal at a ground half a world away used to host a sport about which most of Marvel’s clientele haven’t the vaguest idea, this won’t have you resting any easier.

No, we’re not yet, like some overseas sports clubs, naming our teams after companies and products, nor, like when it comes to the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, cheering on a Wild Oats XI or Perpetual Loyal. But the steady creep of corporatisation into our indigenous football code continues.

As, seemingly, does the desire of those running the game to continue to test, trial, experiment and occasionally just barge right through the barriers of resistance. And with an Australian sporting public which right now is probably more cynical about the motivations for that than it has ever been, it’s a strategy not without considerable risk.

*You can read more of RoCo’s work at Footyology

Rohan Connolly