Patrick Dangerfield's off-the-ball elbow could seal a date with Tribunal

Patrick Dangerfield's off-the-ball elbow could seal a date with Tribunal image

He kicked the first major of the game but Paddy Dangerfield may have a nervous wait after an off the ball incident in Geelong’s 79-75 loss to GWS.

No MRO decision will be made until Sunday but it appears that Matt de Boer – the man who tagging Dangerfield – copped an off-the-ball shot to the guts before being collected high by the 2016 Brownlow Medal winner.

Check out the vision below.

In Danger’s favour is that the shot to the head appars unintentional with the Cats midfielder elbowing backwards in the same spot that originally hit de Boer in the guts.

“What the MRO will also look at is the reaction from the players around,” Dermott Brereton said on Fox Footy during the break.

“If it’s a fair action, there’s no reaction from players around them. Nick Haynes comes in to remonstrate and he’s been in about two fights in whole life – mostly with his little brother.

“I don’t think Danger wanted to get him in the head, I don’t think Danger wanted to hurt him, but that man Matty de Boer decided ‘I’m going to tag the best player in the comp’. He half grabs an arm, he hooks an arm off the ball just to say ‘I’m niggling you, you’re not going to have a free run at the ball’.

“It’s off the ball – and it’s a deliberate action. He’s got something to answer for here.”

MRO Michael Christian has previously spoken about the potential to injure so the Cats star could be heading to the Tribunal.

Dustin Martin’s one-game suspension for striking GWS’ Adam Kennedy – downgraded from medium impact to low – will surely come into play as a comparison.

If cited – and found guilty – Dangerfield would miss the Easter Monday clash with Hawthorn.

The win at the Cattery is GWS’ first, with a 21-point halftime deficit, was sparked by a seven goals to four spree after the main break.

It wasn't all good news for the Giants, with Callan Ward taken from the field and to hospital after being tackled awkwardly during the first term.