Will a fourth umpire ease the AFL's congestion issue?

Angus Reid

Will a fourth umpire ease the AFL's congestion issue? image

In a potential bid to keep more experienced and superior umpires within the AFL for a longer period of time, the AFL has elected to introduce a fourth umpire into the mix on a trial basis for rounds 13 and 14.

Rohan Connolly has debated whether the code's inventive tactic could be aimed at introducing a zones system for players that tackles the issue of congestion.

"Is the AFL serious about introducing a fourth field umpire for premiership games next year? After the announcement on Tuesday that there's going to be a trial for two rounds (13 and 14), the answer to that question is a definite yes," Connolly told Sporting News.

"It's probably a good idea. The AFL has trialled four umpires before, but not as extensively as this season. All games in rounds 13 and 14, and they're bye rounds so there's only six games each week, will have four umpires officiating.

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"It means some changes in where the umpires are positioned obviously. How's it going to work? They'll be two field umpires in the middle of the ground, and the other two will be stationed inside either 50.

"Now, there's a few flow-ons from this, the chief aim is probably better positioning which is getting increasingly important as the congestion that's plaguing the game refuses to go away.

"There's so many players around stoppages now that even when an umpire is very close to where all the players are, they're finding it difficult to pick up infringements through the crowd of bodies.

"Ideally, those two central umpires can get on either side of the stoppage and pick up some more free-kicks which, at the moment, are going unpenalised.

"Another obvious benefit from this, and it's got to be tested obviously, you'd expect that with four umpires that the physical toll in terms of distances run will be less, and hopefully that would mean the better umpires would be capable of officiating more than one game each weekend.

"At the end of the day we want our very best umpires umpiring as much as possible, so it's a good move in that regard.

"A suspicious mind would wonder whether this is preparing the umpires for the possibility of zones coming into the game. That's a hot topic of debate obviously, but in my view, the AFL needs to try something to ease the congestion and the various tweaks that they've made in terms of the protected area - harsher interpretation of deliberate out of bands, cutting the interchange numbers - nothing has really worked in terms of reducing congestion or altering scoring rates, which for the last four seasons have been the lowest they'be been for nearly the last 50 years.

"It's time to try something a little more radical. Now, I may be putting two and two together and getting five, clearly if you are going to introduce zones at stoppages and have a rule where sides have to have at least two men inside the 50 at every stoppage, having an umpire inside the 50 would be a very good way of making sure they had sufficient players inside the arcs when the stoppages happened.

"Perhaps this is the start of the AFL preparing for some more radical legislation in a bid to clear out the congestion, which has unfortunately been a big factor in the football we've seen for the last few years.

"Even if it's not, however, it's a good thing in terms of allowing the better umpires to umpire more than they do at the moment, and simply in terms of positioning. It's getting harder and harder for umpires to pick up all the free kicks that are there, and anything they can do to make sure the umpires are seeing as much play as possible is for the good of the game.

"It will be an interesting trial rounds 13 and 14. It might not be immediately apparent to the viewer on TV, if you're going to games keep an eye out for where the umpires are stationed, and obviously we'll all be watching whether there are more free kicks paid as a result.

"But, we'll wait and see whether this is an indicator of things to come in terms of potential changes to the rules about just where players can stand and when they can stand there."

Angus Reid

Angus Reid Photo