Should the contact below the knees rule be abolished?

Andrew Lucas

Should the contact below the knees rule be abolished? image

The contact below the knees rule continues to attract controversy with a number of incidents scrutinised, however Sporting News' AFL guru Rohan 'RoCo' Connolly has called for the rule to be scrapped.

An incident between Adelaide's Daniel Talia and Western Bulldogs' Lukas Webb once again brought the issue into the spotlight as Webb was knocked over when both competed for the football on a wet Adelaide Oval.

Umpires granted Webb a free kick which resulted in the Bulldogs' first goal of the game.

The rule was brought in following a 2012 incident between Sydney's Gary Rohan and then North Melbourne forward Lindsay Thomas which resulted in Rohan suffering a broken leg after Thomas slid in to grasp the ball.

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Players are prohibited from making, "forceful contact below the knees of an opponent."

However, Connolly believes the rule contradicts the main principle of getting to the ball first in the AFL.

"It definitely is a blight on the game," RoCo told Sporting News

"It goes against the single most fundamental principle of Australian football which is getting the ball or getting to the ball first.

"We saw another really bad example of it at Adelaide Oval when the Crows played the Western Bulldogs.

"Adelaide defender Daniel Talia was penalised because he got to the ball first and went to ground and young Bulldog Lukas Webb went over the top of him and was awarded a free kick and kicked a goal - which in a low-scoring game could have been fairly critical.

"This is a stinker of a rule in my view, one of the worst I can remember seeing introduced in my lifetime of watching the game because it goes against the very principles of the game of getting to the ball first.

"There are times when you can see where you can see where the AFL is coming from and that’s when a player goes in knees first and really makes a choice to attempt to slide rather than make the ball primarily his object by keeping his feet.

"In Adelaide, with teaming rain and very slippery conditions, no player moving at a reasonable speed would have been able to pick up that ball Talia was going for without going to ground.

"It would have meant coming to an almost standstill and being cleaned up by the player pursuing him, which in this case was Webb.

"The fundamental principle of the rule is at odds with the fundamental principle of the game of getting to the ball first.

"In a contact sport, it just takes away what players are taught from a very early age to go and make the football your primary object.

"It was introduced in 2012 as a reaction to a pretty nasty incident involving North Melbourne's Lindsay Thomas and Sydney forward Gary Rohan where Rohan suffered a broken leg.

"The number of incidents over the years have been so minimal, I struggle to think of more than one or two in my lifetime of watching the game.

"So to go and write a new rule around that and change the fundamentals of getting the football at the time is a massive overreaction I felt then and I do even more strongly now.

"Six years down the track we see at least a dozen or so of these examples every season now where players make the ball their object and importantly get to a contest first but are penalised for getting their first.

"If you watch the slow motion replay or even at real speed of what happened, Webb was definitely second to the contest. Surely the onus is on the player who arrives second to the contest to give way to the player who’s there first.

"Webb had time after Talia took possession of the ball to get out of the way of him. He in effect drew the free kick by continuing along a straight path and going feet over the top of Talia and being paid a free kick - which I guess you could argue was smart on his part.

"But if we start creating rules that allow players who don’t get the ball first to gain an advantage on players who do get to the ball first, I think we’re treading on very dangerous turf.

"Like I said, I think it's a stinker of a rule.

"It’s a pretty serious overreaction to what was a nasty, but isolated incident now six years ago.

"It’s noteworthy that we really haven’t had a repeat of that since and that’s not because of the sliding or no contact rule because in game situations, when those situations present themselves, instinct always takes over.

"Players are taught from the youngest of ages playing the game that you make the ball your object and do what you can to take possession.

"In this case, it was impossible to take possession whilst Talia keeping his feet, it was humanly impossible for that to occur given the conditions at the time.

"He doesn't deserve to be penalised for that, I think the player second to the contest is the one who has to make way to the one that’s there first.

"The AFL continues to leave itself open to criticism for overreaction to an isolated incident and for changing the fundamental principles of the game if they allow this rule to continue."

Andrew Lucas

Andrew Lucas Photo