Video: Suns runner gets involved, possibly won’t survive the night

Chris Danks

Video: Suns runner gets involved, possibly won’t survive the night image

On the plus side, the Gold Coast Suns are 3-0 to start the season, taking only six years when it took Hawthorn 40.

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Conversely, stray Suns runner Brendan Riesley shed at least 15 years off Suns coach Rodney Eade’s life in a matter of seconds after being caught in the way as Gold Coast players were heading down field.

The resulting 50-metre free and goal from the Blues Zac Touhy won’t have helped either. 

Watch the video above for Rocket Eade’s measured reaction

Why do they call him Rocket? Eh, you’re about to find out, faithful servant of the club.


Chris Danks

Chris Danks Photo

After a failed athletic career in a far-flung land where delusions of former grandeur are hard to verify, Chris found a home as Sporting News Australia's Chief Editor, delivering fans original news and context beyond the box score.